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Profesor Asociado Ph.D. en ciencia de los alimentos, Universidad de California, Davis, EE.UU. M.S. en viticultura y enología, Universidad de California, Davis, EE.UU. Ingeniero Agrónomo, Universidad de Talca

71 2 200 214

Línea de Investigación

Química y producción de vinos, con énfasis en el estudio de compuestos fenólicos y los efectos químicos y sensoriales de las reacciones de oxidación. Cuenta o ha contado con financiamiento de CONICYT, Innova-CORFO, y empresas privadas.

Publicaciones (últimos cinco años) / Researchgate

Carrasco-Sánchez, V., Marican, A., Vergara-Jaque, A., Folch-Cano, C., Comer, J., and V.F. Laurie 2018. Polymeric substances for the removal of ochratoxin A from red wine followed by computational modeling of the complexes formed. Food Chemistry 265, 159-164.

Mirabal-Gallardo, Y., Caroca, M.A., Muñoz, L., Meneses, M., and V.F. Laurie. 2018. Multi-element analysis and differentiation of Chilean wines using mineral composition and multivariate statistics. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 45 (2), 181-191.

Valdés, O., Marican, A., Avila-Salas, F., Castro, R.I., Amalraj, J., Laurie, V.F., and L.S. Santos. 2018. Polyaniline Based Materials as a Method to Eliminate Haloanisoles in Spirits Beverages. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (24), 8308-8318.

Ponce, F., Mirabal-Gallardo, Y., Versari, A., and V.F. Laurie. 2018. The use of cation exchange resins in wines: Effects on pH, tartrate stability, and metal content. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 45 (1), 82-92.

Pascual, G., Serra-Stepke, I., Calderón-Orellana, A., Laurie, V.F., and M.D. Lopez. 2017. Changes in concentration of volatile compounds in response to defoliation of Muscat of Alexandria grapevines grown under a traditional farming system. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 77 (4), 373-381.

Nevares, I., Martínez-Martínez, V., Martínez-Gil, A., Martín, R., Laurie, V.F., and M. del Alamo-Sanza. 2017. On-line monitoring of oxygen as a method to qualify the oxygen consumption rate of wines. Food Chemistry 229, 588-596.

Carrasco-Sánchez, V., Kreitman, G.Y., Folch-Cano, C., Elias, R.J. and V.F. Laurie. 2017. Removal of fumonisin B1 and B2 from model solutions and red wine using polymeric substances. Food Chemistry 224, 207-211.

Zuniga-Lopez, M., Laurie, V.F., Barriga-Gonzalez, G., Folch-Cano, C., Fuentes, J., Agosin, E., and C. Olea-Azar. 2017. Chemical and Biological Properties of Phenolics in Wine: Analytical Determinations and Health Benefits. Current Organic Chemistry 21 (4), 357-367.

Castro, R.I., Forero-Doria, O., Guzmán, L., Laurie, V.F., Valdés, O., Ávila-Salas, F., López-Cortés, X., and L.S. Santos. 2016. New polymer for removal of wine phenolics: Poly(N-(3-(N-isobutyrylisobutyramido)-3-oxopropyl)acrylamide) (P-NIOA). Food Chemistry. 213: 554-560.

Jara C., Laurie V.F., Mas A., and J. Romero. 2016. Microbial Terroir in Chilean Valleys: Diversity of Non-conventional Yeast. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:663.

Carrasco-Sánchez V., John A., Marican A., Santos L.S., and V.F. Laurie. 2015. Removal of 4-Ethylphenol and 4-Ethylguaiacol with Polyaniline-Based Compounds in Wine-Like Model Solutions and Red Wine. Molecules 20:8): 14312-14325.

Lobos G.A., Acevedo-Opazo C., Guajardo-Monero A., Valdés-Gómez H., Taylor J.A., and V.F. Laurie. 2015. Effects of Kaolin-based particle film and fruit zone netting on Cabernet-Sauvignon grapevine physiology and fruit quality. Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 49:137-144.
Durán-Lara E.F., López-Cortés X.A., Castro R.I., Avila-Salas F., González-Nilo F.D., Laurie V.F., and L.S. Santos. 2015. Experimental and Theoretical Binding Affinity Between Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone and Selected Phenolic Compounds from Food Matrices. Food Chemistry 186: 464-470.

del Alamo-Sanza M., Laurie V.F., and I. Nevares. 2015. Wine evolution and spatial distribution of oxygen during storage in high-density polyethylene tanks. Journal of the science of food and agriculture 95: 1313-1320.

Proyectos Vigentes

Technological alternatives to improve the phenolic and flavor quality of red wines. FONDECYT 1190301, 2019-2021. Investigador responsable.

La huella microbiológica de los vinos chilenos: Aprovechamiento de cepas nativas de levaduras asociadas a denominación de origen para la producción de vinos premium. FONDEF ID14I20010, 2019-2020. Co-investigador.

Efecto del uso de agentes antioxidantes sobre el deterioro oxidativo de jugos y vinos chilenos, usando sistemas de liberación controlada. FONDECYT Postdoctorado 3180364, 2018-2020. Investigador patrocinante.