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Profesor Asociado Doctor, Universidad de Lleida, España Master of Science, Oregon State University, EE.UU. Ing. Agron., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíos, Chile

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Línea de Investigación

Mi interés de investigación se centra en la fisiología de postcosecha de frutas, específicamente de arándanos y manzanas. Las principales líneas de investigación en arándanos se basan en el desarrollo y maduración del fruto y los factores fisio-morfológicos y medioambientales que predisponen al ablandamiento y deshidratación en postcosecha. En manzanas el trabajo se ha centrado en la evolución de la madurez de diferntes cultivares y la susceptibilidad al desarrollo de escaldado superficial y “bitter-pit”.

Publicaciones (últimos cinco años) / Researchgate

Lobos, G.A., Bravo, C., Valdés, M., Graell, J., Lara, I., Beaudry, R., Moggia, C. 2018. “Within-plant variability in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum, L.): maturity at harvest and position within the canopy influence fruit firmness at harvest ans postharvest. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 146, 26-35.

Moggia, C., González, C., Lobos, G.A., Bravo, C., Valdés, M., Lara, I., Graell, J. 2018. “Changes in quality and maturity of  Duke and Brigitta blueberries during fruit development: postharvest implications. Acta Hortic. 1194, ISHS 2018: 1495-1501.

Moggia, C., Beaudry, R.M., Retamales, J. , Lobos, G.A. 2017. “Variation in the impact of stem scar and cuticle on water loss in highbush blueberry fruit argue for the use of water permeance as a selection criterion in breeding”. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 132, 88-96.

Moggia, C., Graell, J., Lara, I., González, G., Lobos, G.A. 2017. “Firmness at harvest influences development of internal browning of highbush blueberries  (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)”  Frontiers in Plant Science, 8,1-11

Moggia, C., Graell, J., Lara, I., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Thomas-Valdés, S., Lobos, G.A. 2016. “Fruit Characteristics and Cuticle Triterpenes as Related to Postharvest Quality of Highbush Blueberries”.  Scientia Horticulturae, 211, 449-457

Schiappacasse, F., Moggia, C., Rojas, M.P., Musalem, M. 2016. “Ethylene spray influences flowering of the Chilean bromeliad Fascicularia bicolor”. Idesia 34,  71-76.

Moggia, C., Pereira, M., Yuri, J.A.,  Torres, C.A., Hernández, O., Icaza, M.G., Lobos, G.A. 2015. “Preharvest factors that affect the development of internal browning in apples cv. Cripp’s Pink: Six-years compiled data”. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 101, 49-57.

Schiappacasse, F., Moggia, C., Contreras, R. 2014. “Studies with long term storage of cut flowers of Hydrangea macrophylla”. Idesia 32, 71-76.

Retamales, J.B., Moggia, C., Godoy, R. Lobos, G.A., Romero,  S.   2014. “Repeated   applications of CPPU on highbush blueberry cv. Duke increase yield and enhance fruit quality at harvest and during postharvest”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural  Research. Volume 74, Issue 2, pp: 157 – 161.

Retamales, J.B.; Palma, M.J.; Morales, Y.; Lobos, G.; Moggia, C.; Mena, C. 2014. “Blueberry production in Chile: Current Status and Future Developments”.  Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal – SP, v. 36, n. 1, pp:. 58-67

Moggia, C., Lobos,  G.A. Retamales, J.B. 2014.   “Modified   Atmosphere   Packaging     in  Blueberries:   Effect of Harvest Time and Moment of Bag Sealing”. Acta Horticulturae 1017 pp:153-158

Lobos,  G.A.  Moggia, C., Retamales,  J.B. & Sánchez, C. 2014. “Effect of mechanized (self-propelled or shaker) vs. Hand harvest on fruit quality of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in postharvest”. Acta Horticulturae 1017  pp: 141-145.

Proyectos Vigentes

Proyecto FONDEF ID18I10214:“Estrategia integral de predicción y control de bitter pit en manzanas, mediante un método no destructivo de fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX)”. DIRECTOR, INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL. 2019-2021

Proyecto Fondecyt: “How to reduce softening rates of fresh blueberries at final destination: targeting the time elapsed between harvests according to seasonal environmental conditions”. CO-INVESTIGADOR. 2019-2023.