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Bravo-Ureta, R. Jara-Rojas*, V.H. Moreira López, and P. Riveros Villegas. 2021. Data challenges in the measurement of agricultural productivity: Lessons from Chile. International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources 48(3):57-69.

Engler, A., Melo, O., Rodríguez, F., Peñafiel, B., Jara-Rojas, R. 2021. Governing water resource allocation: water user association characteristics and the role of the State. Water 13:2436-2454. 

Jara-Rojas, R*., Canales, R., Gil, JM., Engler, A., Bravo-Ureta, B. and Bopp, C. 2020. Technology Adoption and Extension Strategies in Mediterranean Agriculture: The Case of Family Farms in Chile. Agronomy 10: 692-702. 

Jara-Rojas, R., Russy, S., Roco, L*., Fleming-Muñoz and Engler, A. 2020. Factors affecting the adoption of agroforestry practices: Insights from silvopastoral systems of Colombia. Forests 11(6): 648. 

Valdes R. and Jara-Rojas R. 2020. The impact of commodity price shocks among regional economies of a developing country. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 59:1–20. 

Engler, A., Poortvliet, M. and Laurens, K. 2019. Toward understanding conservation behavior in agriculture as a dynamic and mutually responsive process between individuals and the social system. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 74(4): 74A-80A.

Bopp, C., Engler, A., Poortvliet, M. and Jara-Rojas, R. 2019. The role of farmers’ intrinsic motivation in the effectiveness of policy incentives to promote sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of Environmental Management 244: 320- 327.

Cofré-Bravo, G., Engler, A. and Laurens, K. 2019. Combinations of bonding, bridging, and linking social capital for farm innovation: How farmers configure different support networks. Journal of Rural Studies 69: 53-64

Lobos, G.A., del Pozo, A., Ortega-Farias, S., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Jara-Rojas, R., Molina, M., Brunel, M. and Engler, A. 2019. Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies of agriculture in Mediterranean-climate regions (MCRs). Sustainability 11(10)

Adasme-Berrios, C., Sánchez, M., Mora, M., Díaz, J., Schnettler, B. and Lobos, G. 2019. The gender role on moderator effect of food safety label between perceived quality and risk on fresh vegetables. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias 51(1): 1853-8665

Cofré-Bravo, G., Engler, A., Laurens, K., Leiva-Bianchi, M. and Adasme-Berrios, C. 2018. Considering the workforce as part of farmers’ innovative behaviour: a key factor in inclusive on-farm processes of technology and practice adoption. Experimental Agriculture 55(5): 723-737

Jara-Rojas, R., Bravo, B., Solís, D. and Martínez, D. 2018. Technical efficiency and marketing channels. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 21(3): 351-364

Jara-Rojas, R., Engler, A., Adasme-Berrios, C., Carrasco, C., Ortega-Farias, S. and Mediavilla, W. 2018. Adoption of irrigation scheduling: Role of extension and training en Central Chile. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal 17: 2873-2880

Boza, S. and Jara-Rojas, R. 2018. Peri-urban family farming and agricultural earnings: The effect of long-term participation in an extension program in a Metropolitan área. Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria 45(3): 99-108


Ortega-Farias S, Espinoza-Meza S, Lopez-Olivari R, Araya-Alman M, Carrasco-Benavides M. 2021. Effects of different irrigation levels on plant water status, yield, fruit quality, and water productivity in a drip-irrigated blueberry orchard under Mediterranean conditions.  Agricultural Water Management, 249: 106805.

Moggia C, Peñaloza O, Torres J, Romero-Bravo S, Sepulveda D, Jara R, Vivanco S, Valdés M, Zuñiga M, Beaudry RM, Lobos GA. 2021. Within-plant variability in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) II: Is a shorter harvest interval always the ideal strategy to maximize fruit firmness? Postharvest Biology and Technology.

Moggia C, Valdés Y, Arancibia A, Valdés M, Radrigán C, Beaudry R, Lobos GA. 2021. Reliability of tactile and instrumental firmness assessment in fresh blueberry fruit segregated by firmness at harvest. HortTechonology

Lobos, G.A., Romero, S., Escobar, A., Estrada, F., Garriga, M., del Pozo, A., Caligari, P. and González, L. 2019. Spectral reflectance modeling by wavelength selection: studying the scope for blueberry physiological breeding under contrasting water supply and heat conditions. Remote Sensing 11

Lobos, G.A., Moggia, C., Graell, J., Lara, I., Beaudry, R. and Bravo, C. 2018. Within-plant variability in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.): maturity at harvest and position within the canopy influence fruit firmness at harvest and postharvest. Postharvest Biology and Technology 146: 26-35

Moggia, C., González, C., Lobos, G.A., Bravo, C., Valdés, M., Lara, I. and Graell, J. 2018. Changes in quality and maturity of Duke and Brigitta blueberries during fruit development: postharvest implications. Acta Horticulturae 1194: 1495-1501

Urrestarazu, M., Gallegos, V., Capato, T., Hachmann, T., Álvaro, J. and Carrasco, G. 2018. Effect of pH and Silicon in the Fertigation Solution on Vegetative Growth of Blueberry Plants in Organic Agriculture. HortScience 53(10): 1423-1428


Yuri JA, Sánchez-Contreras J, Palma M, Sepúlveda Á. 2021. Indicators and sweet cherry production efficiency in Central Leader and Kym Green Bush training systems in Chile. International Journal of Fruit Science

Sánchez-Contreras J, Palma M, Simeone D, Fuentes M, Sepúlveda A, Yuri JA. Comportamiento del cerezo bajo macrotúnel. Red Agrícola 113: 32-35.

Sánchez-Contreras J, Palma M, Simeone D, Fuentes M, Sepúlveda A, Yuri JA. Cerezos bajo cubiertas plásticas en Chile: efecto en la fenología y calidad de la fruta. Rev. Fruticultura 79: 20-31.

Palma M, Sánchez-Contreras J, Fuentes M, Salamanca B, Moya M, Yuri JA. Pardeamiento del pedicelo en cerezas: Un indicador de frescura. Rev. Redagrícola. 118: 74-77.

Yuri JA, Simeone D, Arenas L, Fuentes M. Una prospección a la concentración de minerales en la fruta de distintos cultivares de cerezas. Revista Redagrícola. 121: 20-22.

Carrasco-Benavides M, Antunez-Quilobrán J, Baffico-Hernández A, Ávila-Sánchez C, Ortega-Farías S, Espinoza S, Gajardo J, Mora M, Fuentes S. 2020. Performance Assessment of Thermal Infrared Cameras of Different Resolutions to Estimate Tree Water Status from Two Cherry Cultivars: An Alternative to Midday Stem Water Potential and Stomatal Conductance.  Sensors, 20: 3596. doi:10.3390/s20123596.

Carrasco-Benavides M, Espinoza S, Olguín-Cáceres J, Muñoz-Concha D, von Bennewitz E, Ávila-Sánchez C, Ortega-Farías S. 2020. Effects of regulated post-harvest irrigation strategies on yield, fruit quality and water productivity in a drip-irrigated cherry orchard.  New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 48:2, 97-116, DOI: 10.1080/01140671.2020.1721544.

Sánchez-Contreras, J., Palma, M. y Yuri, J.A. 2020. Más que protección. Revista Mundoagro 130: 36-43.

Sepúlveda, A. y Arenas, L. 2020. Factor decisivo: Como afectó el estrés ambiental del verano al crecimiento del fruto en manzanos y cerezos. Revista Mundoagro. 124: 26-31. 


Sánchez-Contreras, J., Rudell, D., Mattheis, J. y Torres, C.A. 2021. Sphingolipids associated with flesh browning onset and development in ‘Cripps Pink’ apples (Malus domestica Borkh). Postharvest Biology and Technology. 180: 111623.

Severino, V., Arias-Sibillotte, M., Dogliotti, S., Frins, E., Yuri, J.A., González-Talice, J. 2021. Pre- and Postharvest Management of Sunburn in Granny Smith Apples (Malus domestica Borkh) under Neotropical Climate Conditions. Agronomy 1618: 1-18.

Pinto, L., Simeone, D. y Fuentes, M. 2021. Con más opciones. Revista Mundoagro 140: 36-42.

Sepúlveda, A. y Arenas, L. 2021. Entrada en calor. Revista Mundoagro. 134: 46-52.

Sepúlveda, A. y Severino, V. 2021. Receso de frutales e inviernos cálidos. Revista Redagrícola. 121: 100-102.

Simeone, D., Sepúlveda, A., Fuentes, M., Yuri, J.A. 2021. Al rojo vivo. Revista Mundoagro 140: 36-42.

Yuri, J.A., Simeone, D. y Fuentes, M. 2021. De inicio a fin. Revista Mundoagro 141: 26-32.

Yuri, J.A. 2021. El momento clave. Revista Mundoagro 141: 78-82.

Severino, V., Arias, M., Dogliotti, S., Frins, E., González-Talice, J., Yuri, J.A. 2020. Climatic and physiological parameters related to the progress and prediction of apple sunburn damage in a neotropical climate. Advances in Horticultural Science. 34: 431-440.

Yuri, J.A., Neira, A., Fuentes, M. Razmilic, I., Lepe, V., y González, M.F. Bagging cv. 2020. Fuji Raku Raku apple fruit affect their phenolic profile and antioxidant capacity. Erwerbs-Obstbau. 1-11. DOI 10.1007/s10341-020-00475-0.

Sepúlveda, A. y Arenas, L.  2020. Consideraciones sobre el receso en frutales. Redagrícola. 113: 82-83.

Sepúlveda, A. y Arenas, L. 2020. Factor decisivo: Como afectó el estrés ambiental del verano al crecimiento del fruto en manzanos y cerezos. Revista Mundoagro. 124: 26-31.

Yuri, J.A., Simeone, D., Arenas, L., Fuentes, M., Sepúlveda, A. 2020. Los desafíos para una nueva manzana chilena. Rev. Fruticultura. 78: 38-47.

Yuri, J.A. 2020. Más no siempre es mejor. Revista Mundoagro. 129: 36-39.

Yuri, J.A. y Blanke, M. 2020. Chile – Exportrekorde im Obstbau imSchatten der Anden. Erwerbs-Obstbau. 1-6.

Yuri, J.A., Simeone, D., Arenas, L., Fuentes, M., Sepúlveda, A., Fernández, L. y Pinto, L. 2020. Desarrollo de nuevas variedades de manzanas para Chile. Redagrícola 113: 86-90.

Yuri, J.A., Simeone, D., Arenas, L., Fuentes, M., Sepúlveda, A., Fernández, L. y Pinto, L. 2020. Doble objetivo. Revista Mundoagro 128: 20-24.

Yuri, J., Neira, A., Fuentes, M. Sáez, B and Razmilic, I. 2019. A new sunburned apple category browning under conventional and organic management: phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in cold storage. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 92: 288-297

Yuri, J., Moggia, C., Sepúlveda, A., Poblete, C., Valdés, H. and Torres, C. 2019. Effect of cultivar, rootstock, and growing conditions on fruit maturity and postharvest quality as part of a six-year apple trial in Chile. Scientia Horticulturae 253: 70-79

Sepúlveda, A., Simeone, D., Fuentes, M., Yuri, J. 2019. Con lo mejor del sol. Medida de control de estrés ambiental en el desarrollo de color y daño por sol en Manzanas. Revista Mundoagro 11(111): 32-37 Sepúlveda, A., Yuri, J. 2018. Como influyó el clima en esta temporada de Pomáceas. Revista Mundoagro 10(109): 18-23


Rodríguez L, Trostchansky A, Wood I, Mastrogiovanni M, Vogel H, González G, Maróstica M Junior, Fuentes E, Palomo I. 2021. Antiplatelet activity and chemical analysis of leaf and fruit extracts from Aristotelia chilensis. PLOS ONE 16(4): e0250852.

Rodríguez L, L Badimon, D Méndez, T Padró, G Vilahur, E Peña, B Carrasco, H Vogel, I Palomo, E Fuentes. 2021. Antiplatelet Activity of Isorhamnetin via Mitochondrial Regulation. Antioxidants 10(5), 666. DOI 10.3390/antiox10050666.

Yáñez M, Gonzalez B, Doll U, H Vogel. Phenotypic variation of fruit and ecophysiological traits among maqui (Aristotelia chilensis [Molina] Stuntz) provenances established in a common garden” Scientific Reports

Vogel, H., Doll, U. Yuri, J., Moya, M. and González, B. 2019. Different covers affect growth and development of three maqui clones (Aristotelia chilensis [Molina] Stuntz). Journal of Berry Research 9(3): 449-458


Aguilar-Zuniga K, Laurie VF, Moore-Carrasco R, Ortiz-Villeda B, Carrasco-Sánchez V. 2021. Agro-industrial Waste Products as Mycotoxin Biosorbents: A Review of in Vitro and in Vivo Studies. Food Reviews International, 1-17.

Castro RI, Morales-Quintana L, Alvarado N, Guzmán L, Forero-Doria O, Valenzuela-Riffo F, Laurie VF. 2021. Design and optimization of a self-assembling complex based on microencapsulated calcium alginate and glutathione (Cag) using response surface methodology. Polymers 13 (13).

Cortiella M GI, Ubeda C, Covarrubias JI, Laurie VF, Pena-Neira. 2021. A Chemical and Physical Implications of the Use of Alternative Vessels to Oak Barrels during the Production of White Wines. Molecules, 26(3).

Díaz I, Castro RI, Ubeda C, Loyola R, Laurie VF. Combined effects of sulfur dioxide, glutathione and light exposure on the conservation of bottled Sauvignon blanc. Food Chemistry 356, 129689

Faúndez-López P, Delorenzo-Arancibia J, Gutiérrez-Gamboa G, Moreno-Simunovic Y. 2021. Pruning cuts affect wood necrosis but not the percentage of budburst or shoot development on spur pruned vines for different grapevine varieties. Vitis – Journal of Grapevine Research, 60(3):137–141.

Gil i Cortiella M, Úbeda C, Peña-Neira A, Laurie VF. 2021. Use of alternative vessels to oak barrels during fermentation of Sauvignon Blanc: a comparison of stainless-steel, concrete and polyethylene tanks and clay jars. Wine & Viticulture Journal (Australia), 4, 18-23.

Gutiérrez-Gamboa G, Torres-Huerta N, Araya-Alman M, Verdugo-Vásquez N, Moreno-Simunovic Y, Valdés-Gómez H, Acevedo-Opazo C. 2021. Leaf morpho-colorimetric characterization of different grapevine varieties through changes on plant water status. Horticulturae, 7(9), 315.

Mirabal-Gallardo Y, Soriano MdPC, Olate VR, Jofré LG, Pyarasani RD, John A, Laurie F. 2021. Characterization of five Chilean agribusiness by-products and their potential use as food supplements. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 607–612.

Carrasco-Quiroz M, Martínez-Gil AM, Gutiérrez-Gamboa G, Moreno-Simunovic Y. 2020. Effect of rootstocks on volatile composition of Merlot wines. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(8):3517–35242020.

Cuadros-Inostroza Á, Verdugo-Alegría C, Willmitzer L, Moreno-Simunovic Y, Vallarino JG. 2020. Non-targeted metabolite profiles and sensory properties elucidate commonalities and differences of wines made with the same variety but different cultivar clones. Metabolites, 10(6), 220.

Carrasco-Sánchez, V., Marican, A., Vergara-Jaque, A., Folch-Cano, C., Comer, J. and Laurie, V.F. 2018. Polymeric substances for the removal of ochratoxin A from red wine followed by computational modeling of the complexes formed. Food Chemistry 265: 159-164

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Díaz-Gálvez, I. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Effects of bud nodal position along the cane on bud fertility, yield component and bunch structure in ‘Carménère’ grapevines. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 78(4): 580-586

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Garde-Cerdán, T., Carrasco-Muñoz, M., Martínez-Gil, A.M. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Improvement of wine volatile composition through foliar nitrogen applications to Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines in a warm climate. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 78(2): 216-227

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Garde-Cerdan, T., Souza-Da, Costa, B. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Strategies for the improvement of fruit set in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Carmenere through different foliar biostimulants in two different locations. Ciencia e Técnica Vitivinícola 33(2): 177- 183

Mirabal-Gallardo, Y., Caroca, M.A., Muñoz, L., Meneses, M. and Laurie, V.F. 2018. Multi-element analysis and differentiation of Chilean wines using mineral composition and multivariate statistics. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 42(2): 181-191

Pañitrur-De la Fuente, C., Valdés-Gómez, H., Roudet, J., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Verdugo-Vásquez, N., Araya-Alman, M., Lolas, M., Moreno-Simunovic, Y. and Fermaud, M. 2018. Classification of winegrape cultivars in Chile and France according to their susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea related to fruit maturity. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 24(2): 145-157

Ponce, F., Mirabal-Gallardo, Y., Versari, A. and Laurie, V.F. 2018. The use of cation exchange resins in wines: Effects on pH, tartrate stability, and metal content. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 45(1): 82-92

Valdés, O., Marica, A., Ávila-Salas, F., Castro, R.I., Amalraj, J., Laurie, V.F. and Santos, L.S. 2018. Polyaniline Based Materials as a Method to Eliminate Haloanisoles in Spirits Beverages. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57(24): 8308-8318

Martínez-Gil, A.M., Del Alamo-Sanza, M., Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Moreno-Simunovic, Y. and Nevares, I. 2018. Volatile composition and sensory characteristics of Carménère wines macerating with Colombian (Quercus humboldtii) oak chips compared to wines macerated with American (Q. alba) and European (Q. petraea) oak chips. Food Chemistry 266: 90-100

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Carrasco-Quiroz, M., Martinez-Gil, A.M., Pérez-Alvarez, E.P., Garde-Cerdán, T. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Grape and wine aminoacid composition from Carignan noir grapevines growing under rain fed conditions in the Maule Valley, Chile: effects of location and rootstock. Food Research International 105: 334-352

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Verdugo-Vásquez, N., Carrasco-Quiroz, M., Garde-Cerdán, T., Martínez-Gil, A.M. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Carignan phenolic composition in wines from ten sites of the Maule Valley (Chile): location and rootstock implications. Scientia Horticulturae 234: 63-73

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Carrasco-Quiroz, M., Verdugo-Vásquez, N., Díaz-Galvez, I., Garde-Cerdán, T. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Characterization of grape phenolic compounds of “Carignan” grapevines grafted onto Pais (Vitis vinifera L.) rootstock from Maule Valley (Chile): implication of climate and soil conditions. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 78(2): 310-315

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Location effects on ripening and grape phenolic composition of eight “Carignan” vineyards from Maule Valley (Chile). Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 78(1): 139-149

Martínez-Gil, A.M., Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Garde-Cerdán, T, Pérez-Alvarez, E.P. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Characterization of phenolic composition in Carignan noir grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) from six wine growing sites in Maule Valley, Chile. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98(1): 274-282

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Garde-Cerdán, T., Carrasco-Quiroz, M., Pérez-Alvarez, E.P., Martínez-Gil, A.M., Del Alamo-Sanza, M. and Moreno-Simunovic, Y. 2018. Volatile composition of Carignan noir wines from ungrafted and grafted onto País (Vitis vinifera L.) grapevines from ten wine-growing sites in Maule Valley, Chile. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98(11): 4268-4278


Carrasco Silva G, FM Galleguillos Madrid, D Hernández, G Pincheira, AK Peralta, M Urrestarazu Gavilán, V Vergara-Carmona, F Fuentes-Peñailillo. 2021. Microplastics and Their Effect in Horticultural Crops: Food Safety and Plant Stress. Agronomy 11, no. 8: 1528.

Carrasco G, Manríquez P, Galleguillos F, Fuentes-Peñailillo F, Urrestarazu M. 2021. Evolution of soilless culture in Chile. Acta Hortic. 1321, 267-274 (2021). DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1321.35

Carmona VMV, Filho ABC, De Almeida HJ, Carrasco Silva G, Dos Reis AR. 2020. Agronomic biofortification of beet plants with zinc via seed priming. Rev. Caatinga 33 Issue (1). 116-123.

Concha, A., Sepúlveda, G., Díaz, R., Yuri, J. and Torres, C. 2019. Pesticide residues quantification in frozen fruit and vegetables in Chilean domestic market using QuEChERS extraction with ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry 295: 64-71

Palomo, I., Concha, A., Lutz, M., Said, M., Sáez, B., Vasquez, A. and Fuentes, E. 2019. Chemical Characterization and Antiplatelet Potential of Bioactive Extract from Tomato Pomace (Byproduct of Tomato Paste). Nutrients 11(2): 456

Torres, C., Sepúlveda, G. and Concha, A. 2019. Effect of Processing on Quality Attributes and Phenolic Profile of Quince Dried Bar Snack. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99(5): 2556-2564

Concha, A., Eifert, J., Wang, H. and Sanglay, G. 2018. Volume estimation of strawberries, mushrooms, and tomatoes with a machine vision system. International Journal of Food Properties 21(1): 1867-1874


Soriano MdP, Schiappacasse F, Peñailillo P, Tapia J, Wehinger S, Valenzuela-Vasquez CA, S Durán. 2021. Nutritional and Functional Potential of Selliera radicans Cav., a Chilean native halophyte. Pharmacognosy Journal 13(2):341-346.

Schiappacasse F, M Castro, R Cabeza, C Bonomelli. 2021.Plant growth and nutrient uptake of Selliera radicans Cav. under soilless conditions and fertilized for cultivation purposes. Journal of Plant nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2021.1994602.

Simeone, D., Fuentes, M., Lepe, V., Yuri, J. 2018. Un desvío para el vigor. Revista Mundoagro 10(108): 26-31

Lobos, G.A., del Pozo, A., Ortega-Farias, S., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Jara-Rojas, R., Molina, M., Brunel, M. and Engler, A. 2019. Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies of agriculture in Mediterranean-climate regions (MCRs). Sustainability 11(10)

Lobos, G.A. and Pham, T. 2019. Innovation in data mining for the image processing: K-means clustering for data sets of elongated forms and its application in the agroindustry. Información Tecnológica 30(2): 135-142

Lobos, G.A., del Pozo, A., Castillo, D., Matus, I., Méndez, A., Estrada, F., Escobar, A. and Aranjuelo, I. 2019. Exploring agronomic and physiological traits associated with the differences in productivity between triticale and bread wheat in Mediterranean environments. Frontier in Plant Science 10

Lobos, G.A., Romero, S., Méndez, A., Garriga, M., Estrada, F., Escobar, A., González, L., Sepúlveda, D., Matus, I., Castillo, D. and del Pozo, A. 2019. Thermal imaging reliability for estimating grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination in wheat genotypes: importance of the environmental conditions. Sensors 19(12): 2676

Lobos, G.A., Camargo, A., del Pozo, A., Araus, J., Ortiz, R. and Doonan, J. 2018. Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding. Frontier in Plant Science 8


Allen R, Foken T, Kilic A, Trezza R, Ortega-Farias S. 2021. Evapotranspiration Measurements and Calculations. In: Foken T. (eds) Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements. Springer Handbooks. Springer, Cham. Capitulo de Libro (2021)

Cañete-Salinas P, Zamudio F, Yañez M, Valdés-Gómez H, Espinosa C, Venegas J, Retamal L, Gyenge J, Acevedo-Opazo C. 2021. Water consumption and preliminary crop coefficients of two Populus ×canadensis clones (‘I-214’ and ‘I-488’) grown at low planting density. Forest System 30 (1).  eISSN: 2171-9845.

Fuentes-Peñailillo F., Acevedo-Opazo C*., Ortega-Faríasa S., Rivera, M., Verdugo-Vásquez N. 2021.  Spatialized system to monitor vine flowering: Towards a methodology based on a low-cost wireless sensor network. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 187, 106233, 2021.

Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G.; Torres-Huerta, N.; Araya-Alman, M.; Verdugo-Vásquez, N.; Moreno-Simunovic, Y.; Valdés-Gómez, H.; Acevedo-Opazo, C. 2021. Leaf Morpho-Colorimetric Characterization of Different Grapevine Varieties through Changes on Plant Water Status. Horticulturae 7, 315, 2021.

Hou M, Fei T, Ortega-Farias S, Riveros-Burgos C, Zhang T, Lin A. 2021. Estimation of crop transpiration and its scale effect based on ground and UAV thermal infrared remote sensing images.  European Journal of Agronomy, 131: 126389.

Nunes HGGC, Farias VDS, Sousa DP, Costa DLP, Pinto JVN, Moura VB, Teixeira EO, Lima MJA, Ortega-Farias S, Souza PJOP. 2021. Parameterization of the AquaCrop model for cowpea and assessing the impact of sowing dates normally used on yield. Agricultural Water Management 252: 106880.

Ortega‑Farias S, Intrigliolo DS. 2021. Multiscale technologies for irrigation management. Special issue: Irrig Sci 39: 1–3.

Ortega-Farias S, Espinoza-Meza S, Lopez-Olivari R, Araya-Alman M. Carrasco-Benavides M. 2021. Effects of different irrigation levels on plant water status, yield, fruit quality, and water productivity in a drip-irrigated blueberry orchard under Mediterranean conditions.  Agricultural Water Management, 249: 106805.

Ortega-Farias S, Esteban-Condori W, Riveros-Burgos C, Fuentes-Peñailillo F, Bardeen M. 2021. Evaluation of a two-source patch model to estimate vineyard energy balance using high-resolution thermal images acquired by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 304–305: 108433.

Ortega-Salazar S, Ortega-Farías S, Kilic A, Allen R. 2021. Performance of the METRIC model for mapping energy balance components and actual evapotranspiration over a superintensive drip-irrigated olive orchard. Agricultural Water Management, 25:106861. 2021.

Riveros-Burgos C, Ortega-Farías S, Morales-Salinas L, Fuentes‑Peñailillo F, Tian F. 2021. Assessment of the clumped model to estimate olive orchard evapotranspiration using meteorological data and UAV-based thermal infrared imagery. Irrig Sci 39: 63–80. 2021.

Salvador-Castillo JM, Bolaños-González MA, Rodríguez JC, Palacios-Vélez E, Palacios-Sánchez LA, Watts C, Lizárraga-Celaya C, Ortega-Farías S, Er-Raki S. 2021. Estimation of evapotranspiration of a vineyard of table grapes (Vitis vinifera) using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery.  Agrociencia 55: 369-387. 2021.

Sousa DDP, Fernandes TFS, Tavares LB, Farias VDS, Lima MJA, Nunes HGGC, Costa DLP, Ortega-Farias S, Souza PJOP. 2021. Estimation of evapotranspiration and single and dual crop coefficients of acai palm in the Eastern Amazon (Brazil) using the Bowen ratio system. Irrig Sci 39, 5–22 (2021).

Verdugo-Vásquez N, Acevedo-Opazo C, Valdés-Gómez H, Pañitrur-De la Fuente C, Ingram B, García de Cortázar-Atauri I, Tisseyre B. 2021. Identification of main factors affecting the within-field spatial variability of grapevine phenology and total soluble solids accumulation: towards the vineyard zoning using auxiliary information. Precision Agriculture (2021).

Cañete-Salinasa P, Zamudio F, Yáñez M, Gajardoe J, Valdés H, Espinosa C, Venegas J, Retamal L, Ortega-Farias F Acevedo-Opazo C. 2020. Evaluation of modelsto determine LAI on poplarstands usingspectralindices from Sentinel-2satellite images.  Ecological Modelling, 428: 109058. 2020.

Carrasco-Benavides M, Antunez-Quilobrán J, Baffico-Hernández A, Ávila-Sánchez C, Ortega-Farías S, Espinoza S, Gajardo J, Mora M, Fuentes S. 2020. Performance Assessment of Thermal Infrared Cameras of Different Resolutions to Estimate Tree Water Status from Two Cherry Cultivars: An Alternative to Midday Stem Water Potential and Stomatal Conductance.  Sensors, 20: 3596; 2020. doi:10.3390/s20123596.

Carrasco-Benavides M, Espinoza S, Olguín-Cáceres J, Muñoz-Concha D, von Bennewitz E, Ávila-Sánchez C, Ortega-Farías S. 2020. Effects of regulated post-harvest irrigation strategies on yield, fruit quality and water productivity in a drip-irrigated cherry orchard.  New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 48:2, 97-116, DOI: 10.1080/01140671.2020.1721544.

da Silva Farias V, Pires Costa D, de Novoa Pinto J, de Oliveira Ponte de Souza P, de Souza E, Ortega-Farias S. 2020. Calibration of reference evapotranspiration models in Pará.  Acta Scientiarum-Agronomy, 1807-8621. Doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v42i1.42475.

del Pozo A, Méndez-Espinosa AM, Romero-Bravo S, Garriga M, Estrada F, Alcaíno M, Camargo-Rodriguez A, Corke F, Doonan J, Lobos GA. 2020. Genotypic variation in leaf and whole-plant water use efficiencies are close related in bread wheat genotypes under well-watered and water-limited conditions during grain filling. Scientific Reports 10: 460.

Ortega-Farias S, Villalobos-Soublett E, Riveros-Burgos C, Zúñiga M, Ahumada-Orellana L. 2020. Effect of irrigation cut-off strategies on yield, water productivity and gas exchange in a drip-irrigated hazelnut (Corylus avellana L. cv. Tonda di Giffoni) orchard under semiarid conditions.  Agricultural Water Management, 238: 106173. 2020. 10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106173

Lobos, G.A., del Pozo, A., Ortega-Farias, S., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Jara-Rojas, R., Molina, M., Brunel, M. and Engler, A. 2019. Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies of agriculture in Mediterranean-climate regions (MCRs). Sustainability 11(10)

Fuentes, F., Ortega-Farias, S., Rivera, M., Bardeen, M. and Moreno, M. 2018. Comparison of vegetation indices acquired from RGB and Multispectral sensors placed on UAV. IEEE Xplore

Fuentes, F., Ortega-Farias, S., Rivera, M., Bardeen, M. and Moreno, M. 2018. Using clustering algorithms to segment UAV-based RGB images. IEEE Xplore

Jara-Rojas, R., Engler, A., Adasme-Berrios, C., Carrasco, C., Ortega-Farias, S. and Mediavilla, W. 2018. Adoption of irrigation scheduling: Role of extension and training en Central Chile. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal 17: 2873-2880


Araya, M., Leroux, C., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Guillaume, S., Valdés, H., Verdugo, N., Pañitrur, C. and Tisseyre, B. 2019. A new localized sampling method to improve grape yield estimation of the current season using yield historical data. Precision Agriculture Online

Gutiérrez, G., Pérez, A., Pou, A., Acevedo-Opazo, C. and Valdés, H. 2019. Hydric behaviour and gas exchange in different grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) from the Maule Valley (Chile). South African Journal for Enology and Viticulture 40(2)

Kustas, W., Agam, N. and Ortega-Farias, S. 2019. Forward to the GRAPEX special issue. Irrigation Science 37: 221–226

Ortega-Farias, S. and Riveros, C. 2019. Modeling phenology 1 of four grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) in Mediterranean climate conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 250: 38-44

Verdugo, N., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Valdés, H., Ingram, B., García de Cortázar, I. and Tisseyre, B. 2019. Towards an empirical model to estimate the spatial variability of grapevine phenology at the within field scale. Precision Agriculture Online

Zúñiga, M., Ortega-Farias, S., Fuentes, S., Riveros, C. and Poblete, P. 2018. Effects of three irrigation strategies on gas exchange relationships, plant water status, Yield components and Water Productivity on Grafted Carménère Grapevines. Frontier in Plant Science 9

Verdugo, N., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Valdés, H., Ingram, B., García de Cortázar, I. and Tisseyre, B. 2018. Temporal stability of within-field variability of total soluble solids of grapevine under semi-arid conditions: a first step towards a spatial model. OENO One 52(1): 15-30

Poblete, T., Ortega-Farias, S. and Ryu, D. 2018. Automatic Coregistration Algorithm to Remove Canopy Shaded Pixels in UAV-Borne Thermal Images to Improve the Estimation of Crop Water Stress Index of a Drip-Irrigated Cabernet Sauvignon Vineyard. Sensors 18(2): 397


Ahumada, L., Ortega-Farias, S., Poblete, C. and Searles, P. 2019. Estimation of stomatal conductance and stem water potential threshold values for water stress in olive trees (cv. Arbequina). Irrigation Science (2019) 37:461– 467

Ahumada, L., Ortega-Farias, S. and Searles, P. 2018. Olive oil quality response to irrigation cut-off strategies in a super-high density orchard. Agricultural Water Management 102: 81-88

Fuentes, F., Ortega-Farias, S., Acevedo-Opazo, C. and Fonseca, D. 2018. Implementation of a Two-Source Model for Estimating the Spatial Variability of Olive Evapotranspiration Using Satellite Images and Ground-Based Climate Data. Water 10(3)

Riveros, C., Ortega-Farias, S., López, R. and Chávez, J. 2019. Parameterization of a clumped model to directly simulate actual evapotranspiration over a superintensive drip-irrigated olive orchard. Journal of Hydrometeorology.

Riveros, C., Ortega-Farias, S. and Ahumada, L. 2018. Assessment of olive transpiration derived from a remote sensing energy balance model compared with sap flow measurements. Acta Horticulturae 1222: 189-194


Lobos, T., Retamales, J., Ortega-Farias, S., Hanson, E., López, R. and Mora, M. 2018. Regulated deficit irrigation effects on physiological parameters, yield, fruit quality and antioxidants of Vaccinium corymbosum plants cv. Brigitta. Irrigation Science 36: 49-60

Álamos Cañete, P., Zamudio, F., Yáñez, M., Gyenge, J., Valdés, H., Espinosa, C., Jara, F., Venegas, J., Retamal, L. and Acevedo-Opazo, C. 2019. Responses in growth and physiological traits in two Populus × canadensis clones (‘I-214’ and ‘I-488’) submitted to different irrigation frequencies in central Chile. Forest Ecology and Management Online


Fuentes-Contreras E. 2021. Resistencia a insecticidas en el manejo de plagas: desde los genes hasta las poblaciones. En: S. Estay (Ed.) “Bases ecológicas del manejo de plagas”, pp. 15-33. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago.

Alfaro-Tapia A, Álvarez-Baca JK, Figueroa CC, Fuentes-Contreras E. 2021. Sub-lethal effects of a pyrethroid on behavior and development of the parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on susceptible and kdr resistant Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Journal of Economic Entomology 114: 2032-2042.

Alfaro-Tapia A, Álvarez-Baca JK, Fuentes-Contreras E, Figueroa CC. 2021. Biological control may fails on an insecticide resistant pest I: Effects of sub-lethal concentrations of a pyrethroid on host searching behavior in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Agriculture 11: 539.

Bergmann J, Fuentes-Contreras E, Zaviezo T. 2021. Feromonas y su uso en el manejo de plagas. En: S. Estay (Ed.) “Bases ecológicas del manejo de plagas” pp. 53-79. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile.  Santiago.

Cichón LB, Soleño J, Garrido S, Guiñazú N, Montagna CM, Franck P, Olivares J, Musleh S, Rodríguez MA, Fuentes-Contreras E. 2021. Genetic structure of Cydia pomonella populations in Argentina and Chile imply isolating barriers exist between populations. Journal of Applied Entomology 145: 911-921.

Ju D, Mota-Sánchez D, Fuentes-Contreras E, Zang YL, Yang XQ. 2021. Insecticide resistance in the Cydia pomonella (L): global status, mechanisms, and research directions. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 178: 104925.

Radrigán-Navarro C, Beers EH, Alvear A, Fuentes-Contreras E. 2020. Acute toxicity of lethal and sublethal concentrations of neonicotinoid, insect growth regulator and diamide insecticides on parasitoids and a predator of the woolly apple aphid and the obscure mealybug. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 81: 398-407. 2021.Barros-Parada W, Bergmann J, Curkovic T, Espinosa C, Fuentes-Contreras E, Guajardo J, Herrera H, Morales S, Queiroz AFO, Vidal A. 3,7-Dimethylpentadecane: a novel sex pheromone component from Leucoptera sinuella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 46: 820-829.

Barros-Parada W, Fuentes-Contreras E, Bergmann J, Herrera H, Kinsho T, Miyake Y. 2020. Monitoring of Chilecomadia valdiviana, (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with different traps baited with sexual pheromone in apple orchards in Chile. Insects 12: 511.

Basoalto A, Franck P, Lavandero B, Ramírez CC, Devotto L, Curkovic T, Fuentes-Contreras E. 2020. Population genetic structure of Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from different regions and host plants in Chile. Insects 11: 285.

Tampe J, Pacheco B, Parra L, Fuentes-Contreras E, Salas L, Quiroz A. 2020. Attractant effect of Eucalyptus spp and Foeniculum vulgare essential oils on Aegorhinus superciliosus (Guérin) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20: 775-783.

Knight, A., Judd, G., Gilligan, T., Fuentes-Contreras, E. and Walker, W. 2019. Integrated management of tortricid pests of tree fruit. En: X. Xu and M. Fountain (Eds.) “Integrated Management of insect pests and diseases of tree fruit”. Burleigh Doods Science Publishers 44p

Rubiano, J., Fuentes-Contreras, E. and Ramírez, C. 2019. Neutral genetic variability and resistance mechanisms present in Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from different hosts in central Chile. Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria 20: 635-657

Barros, W., Ammagarahalli, B., Basoalto, E., Fuentes-Contreras, E. and Gemeno, C. 2018. Captures of oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in traps baited with host-plant volatiles in Chile. Applied Entomology and Zoology 53: 193-204

Figueroa, C., Fuentes-Contreras, E., Molina, M. and Ramírez, C. 2018. Biological and genetic features of introduced aphid populations in agroecosystems. Current Opinion in Insect Science 26: 63-68

Herrera, H., Barros, W., Fernanda, M., Fuentes-Contreras, E. and Bergmann, J. 2018. Synthesis and field test of a pheromone analog of Chilecomadia valdiviana. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society 63: 4019-4022

Mujica, V., Basoalto, E., Garrido, S., Lago, J., Cichón, L., Fuentes-Contreras, E., Barros, W. and Knight, A. 2018. Improved monitoring of oriental fruit moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with terpinyl acetate plus acetic acid membrane lures. Journal of Applied Entomology 142: 731-744

Tasin, M., Larsson, S., Knight, A., Barros, W., Fuentes-Contreras, E. and Pertot, I. 2018. Volatiles of grape inoculated with microorganisms: modulation of grapevine moth oviposition and field attraction. Microbial Ecoloy 76: 751-761


Díaz GA, Cabeza R, Amigo R, Llancamil E, Montenegro O, Gonzalez P, Valdes AV, Lolas M, Ferrada EE. 2021. Severe outbreak of Fusarium wilt on common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) caused by Fusarium oxysporum in the Maule Region, central Chile. Plant Disease. 2021. First look,

Díaz GA, Galdos L, Elfar K, Zoffolli JP, Naranjo P, Gutiérrez, Ferrada EE, Lolas M. 2021. Actualidad de las principales pudriciones fungosas en manzanas en Chile. Revista Frutícola 43(2):24-32.

Díaz GA, Valdes AV, Halleen F, Ferrada EE, Lolas M, Latorre BA. 2021. Characterization and pathogenicity of Diplodia, Lasiodiplodia and Neofusicoccum species causing Botryosphaeria canker and dieback of apple trees in central Chile. Plant Disease 105.

Díaz GA, Zoffolli JP, Ferrada EE, Lolas M. 2021. Muerte regresiva en cargadores y brazos de kiwi cv. Hayward en Chile. Revista Frutícola 43(1):24-28.

Díaz GA, Zoffoli JP, Ferrada EE, Lolas M. 2021. Identification and pathogenicity of Diplodia, Neofusicoccum, Cadophora and Diaporthe species associated with cordon dieback in kiwifruit cv. Hayward in central Chile. Plant Disease 105: 1308-1319.

Ferrada EE, Biche J, Lolas M, Lobos G, Díaz GA. 2021. Identification and characterization of isolates of Botrytis obtained from blossom blight and fruits with calyx-end rot in apples in Chile. 2021. Acta Horticulturae 1325: 85-90

Lolas, M., Cáceres, M., Reyes, J.A., and Díaz, G.A. 2021. Bull’s eye rot development in storage is related to the timing of apple fruit infection by Neofabraea vagabunda in the orchard in Chile. Acta Horticulturae 1325: 73-76.

Riquelme D, Aravena Z, Valdes H, Lolas M, Díaz GA, Zoffoli JP. 2021. Characterization of Botrytis cinerea and B. prunorum from Healthy Floral Structures and Decayed ‘Hayward’ Kiwifruit During Post-Harvest Storage. Plant Disease 105. First look,

Silva-Valderrama I, Toapanta D, Miccono MA, Lolas M, Díaz GA, Cantu D, Castro A. 2021. Biocontrol Potential of Grapevine Endophytic and Rhizospheric Fungi Against Trunk Pathogens. Frontiers in Microbioly 11:614620. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.614620

Ferrada, E.E., Naranjo, P., Briceño, E.X., Lolas, M., and Díaz, G.A. 2020. Occurrence of Botrytis prunorum causing calyx-end rot in European pear fruits during cold storage in Chile. Plant Disease 104:590-590.

Díaz, G.A. y Latorre, B.A. 2020. Cancrosis y muerte regresiva en manzanos: Etiología y aspectos epidemiológicos en Chile. Revista Frutícola 42(3):30-36.

Ferrada EE, Böhm L, Montenegro O, Llancao M, Romero C, Briceño EX, Morales RA, Díaz GA. 2020. First report of leaf rust of Fuchsia magellanica caused by Pucciniastrum circaeae in Valdivia, Chile. Plant Disease 104:1548-1548.

Ferrada EE, Naranjo P, Briceño EX, Lolas M, Díaz GA. 2020. Occurrence of Botrytis prunorum Causing Calyx-End Rot in European Pear Fruits During Cold Storage in Chile. Plant Disease 104(2):590-590.

Gaínza-Cortés F, Roa-Roco R, Arraño-Salinas P, Rodríguez-Herrera P, Lolas MA, Caris-Maldonado JC, Silva-Flores P, González Á. 2020. Distribution of three grapevine trunk pathogens in Chilean vineyards, determined using molecular detection from asymptomatic woody pruning material. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 59(3):503-513.

Lolas MA, Castro A, Polanco R, Gainza-Cortés F, Ferrada E, Sosnowski MR, Díaz GA. 2020. First Report of Eutypa lata Causing Dieback of Grapevines (Vitis vinifera) in Chile. Plant Disease 104(7):2024-2025.

Pañitrur-De la Fuente C, Valdés-Gómez H, Roudet J, Verdugo-Vásquez N, Mirabal Y, Laurie VF, Goutouly JP, Acevedo-Opazo C, Fermaud M. 2020. Vigor thresholder NDVI is a key early risk indicator of Botrytis bunch rot in vineyards. OENO One 2020, 54, 2, 279-297. (2020). DOI:

Valenzuela-Riffo F, Zúñiga PE, Morales-Quintana L, Lolas M, Cáceres M, Figueroa CR. 2020. Priming of Defense Systems and Upregulation of MYC2 and JAZ1 Genes after Botrytis cinerea Inoculation in Methyl Jasmonate-Treated Strawberry Fruits. Plants 9(4):447-460.

Díaz, G.A., Latorre, B.A., Ferrada, E. and Lolas, M. 2019. Identification and characterization of Diplodia mutila, D. seriata, Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis and Phacidium lacerum obtained from apple (Malus x domestica) fruit rot in Maule Region, Chile. European Journal of Plant Pathology 153(1): 211-225

Díaz, G.A., Mostert, L., Halleen, F., Lolas, M., Gutiérrez, M., Ferrada, E. and Latorre, B.A. 2019. Diplodia seriata Associated with Botryosphaeria Canker and Dieback in Apple Trees in Chile. Plant Disease 103(5): 1025

Castilla-Cayuman, A., Díaz, G.A. and Lolas, M. 2019. First report of Peroneutypa scoparia causing cane dieback in Kiwifruit in Chile. Plant Disease 103(2): 373

Albornoz, M., Lolas, M., Verdugo, J. and Ramírez, C. 2018. Identification of virulences of the rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina occurring in Chile. Plant Disease 102(11): 2201-2204

Díaz, G.A. and Latorre, B. 2018. First report of cordon dieback of kiwifruits caused by Diaporthe ambigua and D. australafricana in Chile. Plant Disease 102: 446-447

Díaz, G.A., Latorre, B.A., Ferrada, E., Gutiérrez, M., Bravo, F. and Lolas, M. 2018. First report of Diplodia mutila causing branch dieback of English walnut cv. Chandler in the Maule Region, Chile. Plant Disease 102(7): 1451-1452

Pañitrur-De la Fuente, C., Valdés-Gómez, H., Roudet, J., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Verdugo-Vásquez, N., Araya-Alman, M., Lolas, M., Moreno-Simunovic, Y. and Fermaud, M. 2018. Classification of winegrape cultivars in Chile and France according to their susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea related to fruit maturity. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 24(2): 145-157


Arriagada O, Schwember AR, Greve MJ, Urban MO, Cabeza RA, Carrasco B.2021.  Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Selected Chilean Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) Genotypes Shows Moderate Agronomic and Genetic Variability. Plants, 10(8), 1688. (2021).

del Pozo A, Méndez-Espinosa AM, Romero-Bravo S, Garriga M, Estrada F, Alcaíno M, Camargo-Rodriguez A, Corke F, Doonan J, Lobos GA. 2020.  Genotypic variation in leaf and whole-plant water use efficiencies are close related in bread wheat genotypes under well-watered and water-limited conditions during grain filling. Scientific Reports 10: 460.

Garriga M, Ovalle C, Espinoza S, Lobos GA, del Pozo A. 2020. Use of Vis–NIR reflectance data and regression models to estimate physiological and productivity traits in lucerne (Medicago sativa). Crop and Pasture Science 71: 90-100.

Del Pozo, A., Matus, I., Ruf, K., Castillo, D., Méndez, A. and Araus, J. 2019. Genetic advance of Chilean durum wheats post green revolution. Agronomy 9(8) Lobos, G.A., Romero, S., Escobar, A., Estrada, F., Garriga, M., del Pozo, A., Caligari, P. and González, L. 2019. Spectral reflectance modeling by wavelength selection: studying the scope for blueberry physiological breeding under contrasting water supply and heat conditions. Remote Sensing 11

Lobos, G.A., del Pozo, A., Castillo, D., Matus, I., Méndez, A., Estrada, F., Escobar, A. and Aranjuelo, I. 2019. Exploring agronomic and physiological traits associated with the differences in productivity between triticale and bread wheat in Mediterranean environments. Frontier in Plant Science 10

Lobos, G.A., del Pozo, A., Ortega-Farias, S., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Jara-Rojas, R., Molina, M., Brunel, M. and Engler, A. 2019. Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies of agriculture in Mediterranean-climate regions (MCRs). Sustainability 11(10)

Lobos, G.A., Romero, S., Méndez, A., Garriga, M., Estrada, F., Escobar, A., González, L., Sepúlveda, D., Matus, I., Castillo, D. and del Pozo, A. 2019. Thermal imaging reliability for estimating grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination in wheat genotypes: importance of the environmental conditions. Sensors 19(12): 2676

Lobos, G.A., Camargo, A., del Pozo, A., Araus, J., Ortiz, R. and Doonan, J. 2018. Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding. Frontier in Plant Science 8

Madrid, J., Brunel, N., Guerra, F., Gutierrez, A. and del Pozo, A. 2018. Genome-wide identification and transcriptional regulation of aquaporin gene family in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genes 9(10): 497

Martín, I., Acosta, B., Castro, I., de, Miguel, J., del Pozo, A. and Casado, M. 2018. The invasiveness of Hypochaeris glabra (Asteraceae): Responses in morphological and reproductive traits for exotic populations. PLoS ONE 13(6)

Martín, I., Casado, M., Castro, I., del Pozo, A., Molina, M., de, Miguel, J. and Acosta, B. 2018. Variation in phenological and fitness-related traits can help to explain the plant invasion process among Mediterranean ecosystems. NeoBiota 41: 67-89

Molina, M., del Pozo, A. and Gianoli, E. 2018. Ecophysiological bases of the Jack-and-Master strategy: Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) as a model for plant invaders. Journal of Plant Ecology 11(1)


Amigo R, Méndez-Espinoza AM, Schwember AR, Cornejo J, Baettig R, Cabeza RA. 2021. Management of Iron and Manganese Toxicities of Lentil Crops Grown in Central Chile. Agronomy, 11(10), 2051. (2021).

Olivares BO, Araya-Alman M, Acevedo-Opazo C, Rey JC, Cañete-Salinas P, Giannini-Kurina F, Balzarini M, Lobo D, Navas-Cortés JA, Landa BB, Gómez JA. 2020. Relationship Between Soil Properties and Banana Productivity in the Two Main Cultivation Areas in Venezuela. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2020).

Salazar O, Manrique A, Tapia Y, Casanova M, Govan J, Covarrubias JI, Contreras A, Cabeza RA. 2020. The Development of a Model for Recommending the Application of Zinc Fertilizer in the Mediterranean Region of Central Chile. J Soil Sci Plant Nutr. doi: 10.1007/s42729-020-00357-0.

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Cabeza, R., Steingrobe, B. and Claassen, N. 2019. Phosphorus Fractionation in Soils Fertilized with Recycled Phosphorus Products. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 19(3): 611-619

Schwember, A., Schulze, J., del Pozo, A. and Cabeza, R. 2019. Regulation of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Legume Root Nodules. Plants 8(9): 333

Albornoz, F., Gebauer, M., Ponce, C. and Cabeza, R. 2018. LeNRT1.1 improves nitrate uptake in grafted tomato plants under high nitrogen demand. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(12): 3921