Profesor Asociado Doctor, Universidad de Talca Ingeniero Agrónomo, Universidad de Talca
71 2 200 222rjara@utalca.cl
Línea de Investigación
Mi interés de investigación se enmarca en la economía de la agricultura familiar campesina, adopción de tecnologías, productividad y evaluación del impacto de proyectos de desarrollo.
Publicaciones (últimos cinco años) / Researchgate
Valdes R. and Jara-Rojas R. 2020. The impact of commodity price shocks among regional economies of a developing country. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. DOI:10.1111/1467-8489.12360
Boop, C., Engler, A*., Jara-Rojas, R and Arriagada, R. 2019. Are forest plantation subsidies affecting land use change and off-farm income? A farm-level analysis of Chilean small forest landowners. Land Use Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104308.
Boop, C., Engler, A*., Poortvliet, P.M., and Jara-Rojas, R. 2019. The role of farmers’ intrinsic motivation in the effectiveness of policy incentives to promote sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of Environmental Management 244: 320-327.
del Pozo, A*., Brunel-Saldias, N., Engler, A., Ortega-Farias, S., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Lobos, G.A., Jara-Rojas, R., and Molina-Montenegro, M. 2019. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies of Agriculture in Mediterranean-Climate Regions (MCRs). Sustainability 11(10) 2769.
Jara-Rojas, R*. Engler, A., Adasme-Berríos, Carrasco-Benavides, M, Ortega-Farias, S. Mediavilla, W. 2018. The Adoption of Irrigation Scheduling: The role of SEPOR Project in Central Chile. Environmental Engineer and Management Journal 17(12): 2813-2820.
Boza, S. Jara-Rojas, R*. 2018. Peri-urban family farming and agricultural earnings: The effect of long-term participation in an extension program in a Metropolitan área. Cien. Inv. Agr. 45(3):99-108
Jara-Rojas, R*. Bravo-Ureta, B., Solís, D. Martínez, D. 2018. Technical efficiency and marketing channels among small scale farmers: evidence for raspberry production in Chile. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 21(3): 351-364.
Roco, L*., Bravo-Ureta, B., Engler, A., Jara-Rojas, R. 2017. The Impact of Climatic Change Adaptation on Agricultural Productivity in Central Chile: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach. Sustainability 9: 1648-1664.
Hunecke, C., Engler, A*., Jara-Rojas, R., Poortvliet, M. 2017. Towards an Understanding of the Role of Social Capital within Adoption Decision Processes: An Application to the Adoption of Irrigation Technology. Agricultural Systems 152: 221-231.
Engler, A., Jara-Rojas, R*., Bopp, C. 2016. Efficient use of water resources in vineyards: A recursive joint estimation for the adoption of irrigation technology and scheduling. Water Resource Management 30(14): 5369-5383.
Jara-Rojas, R.*, Bravo-Ureta, B., Solís, D., Martínez, D. 2016. Production efficiency and commercialization channels among small-scale farmers: Evidence for raspberry production in Central Chile. Southern Agricultural Economics Association. AgEcon Papers, 26 p.
Jara-Rojas, R.*, Guerra, A., Adasme-Berrios, C., Engler, A., Valdes, R. 2015. Quality Labor Evaluation of the Cherry tree in Chile. Revista Brasileña de Fruticultura 37(2): 423-431.
Adasme-Berríos, C*. Sánchez, M. Jara-Rojas, R. Engler, A. Rodríguez, M., Mora, M. 2015. Who are the potential organic produce consumers in an export-oriented country?: A CHAID approach. Rev. FCA UNCUYO 47(1): 193-208.
Roco, L.*, Engler, A., Bravo-Ureta, B. Jara-Rojas, R. 2015. Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change in Mediterranean Chile. Regional Environmental Change 15(5): 867-879.
Proyectos Vigentes
Diseño de un programa de formación en metodologías de extensión para profesionales y técnicos agrícolas en berries de la región del maule, INIA-FIA, 2019.
Center for Socioeconomic Impact Evaluation of Environmental Policies (CESIEP). INICIATIVA CIENTÍFICA MILENIO (ICM), Ministerio de Economía, 2018-2021.
From individualism to collective action for water resources conservation: its impacts and implications. FONDECYT REGULAR (Co-investigador), 2018-2021.
2018-2021. FONDECYT REGULAR (CI). A spatially explicit approach for an integrated assessment of ecological integrity and ecosystem services in agro-forestry landscapes. FONDECYT REGULAR 1181374 (Co-investigador), 2018-2021.
The impact of technical assistance on technology adoption and productivity: Does the heterogeneity of extension providers affect farm performance? FONDECYT REGULAR (Investigador Principal) 1171122, 2017-2020.