Contesse, M., Duncan, J., Legun, K., Klerkx, L., 2023. (Un)intended lock-in: Chile’s organic agriculture law and the possibility of transformation towards more sustainable food systems. Agriculture and Human Values.
Janssen, M.J., Wesseling, J., Torrens, J., Weber, K.M., Penna, C., Klerkx, L., 2023. Missions as boundary objects for transformative change: understanding coordination across policy, research, and stakeholder communities. Science and Public Policy 50, 398-415.
Wolfert, S., Verdouw, C., van Wassenaer, L., Dolfsma, W., Klerkx, L., 2023. Digital innovation ecosystems in agri-food: design principles and organizational framework. Agricultural Systems 204, 103558.
Gaitán-Cremaschi, D.,Klerkx, L., Aguilar-Gallegos, N., Duncan, J., Pizzolón, A., Dogliotti, S., Rossing, W.A.H., 2022. Public food procurement from family farming: A food system and social network perspective. Food Policy 111, 102325.
Klerkx, L., Turner, J., Percy, H., 2022. Navigating the rapids of agrifood systems transformation: reflections on Aotearoa New Zealand’s emerging mission-oriented agrifood innovation system. New Zealand Economic Papers, 1-15.