Protein extracts from amaranth and quinoa as novel fining agents for red wines.
Food Chemistry 448, 139055.
Gamboa, M.j.; Ortega-Farias, S.; de la Fuente, D.; Fuentes-Peñailillo, F.; Vargas, S.; & V.F. Laurie.
Samuel Ortega, Felipe Laurie
Grape ripening and phenolic content monitoring in Cabernet Sauvignon under regulated deficit irrigation using spectral reflectance indices.
Scientia Horticulturae 328, 112920.
Yuri, J.A., Simeone, D., Fuentes, M., Sepúlveda, Á., Palma, M., Moya, M. & Sánchez-Contreras, J.
José Antonio Yuri
Reduced Root Volume at Establishment, Canopy Growth and Fruit Production in ‘Lapins’/‘Colt’ and ‘Regina’/‘Gisela 12’ Sweet Cherry Trees.
Horticulturae. 10, 579.
Márquez K, Arriagada O, Pérez-Díaz R, Cabeza RA, Plaza A, Arévalo B, Meisel LA, Ojeda D, Silva H, Schwember AR, Fuentes C, Flores M, Carrasco B.
Ricardo Cabeza
Nutritional Characterization of Chilean Landraces of Common Bean.
Plants 13: 817.
Producción Agrícola
Salinas-Roco S, Morales-González A, Espinoza S, Pérez-Díaz R, Carrasco B, del Pozo A, Cabeza RA.
Alejandro Del Pozo, Ricardo Cabeza
N2 Fixation, N Transfer, and Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) in Grain Legume–Wheat Intercropping: Impact of N Supply and Plant Density.
Plants 13: 991.
Producción Agrícola
Cabeza RA, Schulze J, Salinas-Roco S, Morales-González A, Amigo R, Pérez-Díaz R, Carrasco B, Contreras-Soto R, Maldonado C, Pedreschi R, Espinoza S, del Pozo A.
Ricardo Cabeza, Alejandro del Pozo
The inhibition of N2 fixation by nitrogen is attenuated by the P supply, altering the plant metabolism.
Environmental and Experimental Botany 222: 105762.
Producción Agrícola
Arriagada O, Arévalo B, Pacheco I, Schwember AR, Meisel LA, Silva H, Márquez K, Plaza A, Pérez-Diáz R, Pico-Mendoza J, Cabeza RA, Tapia G, Fuentes C, Rodríguez-Alvarez Y, Carrasco B.
Ricardo Cabeza
A Past Genetic Bottleneck from Argentine Beans and a Selective Sweep Led to the Race Chile of the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25: 4081.
Producción Agrícola
del Pozo, A., Méndez-Espinoza, A. M., Matus, I., Guerra, F. P.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Exotic alleles from the wild Hordeum spontaneum contribute to drought tolerance and grain quality in modern Hordeum vulgare.
Plant Stress, 100553.
Producción Agrícola
Cabeza, R. A., Pérez-Díaz, R., Amigo, R., Salinas-Roco, S., MoralesGonzález, A., del Pozo, A.
Ricardo Cabeza, Alejandro del Pozo
Biomass and nitrogen fixation dataset of Pisum sativum L. and Vicia faba L. cultivated under elevated CO2 and nitrogen addition.
Data in Brief, 110644.
Producción Agrícola
del Pozo, A., Catenacci, G.; Acota-Gallo, B.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Consequences of land use changes on native forests, ecosystem services, and agricultural areas in central-southern Chile during the last fifteen years.
Land 13, 610.
Producción Agrícola
Salinas-Roco, S., Morales-González, A., Espinoza, E., Pérez, J.R., Carrasco, B., del Pozo, A., Cabeza, R.A.
Alejandro Del Pozo, Ricardo Cabeza
Effect of legume-cereal intercropping on the inhibition of N2 fixation caused by exogenous N supply in faba beans and peas.
Plants, 13, 991.
Producción Agrícola
Vásquez, S.C., del Pozo, A., Castillo, D., Matus, I., Gómez-Pando, L., H. Bertero, D. and Calderini, D.F.
Alejandro Del Pozo
The critical period for yield and quality determination in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.).
Field Crops Research 306, 109207.
Producción Agrícola
Lolas, M., Latorre, B.A., Ferrada, Grinbergs, D., Chilian, J., Ortega-Farias, S., Campillay-Llanos, W., and Díaz, G.A.
Mauricio Lolas. Samuel Ortega, Gonzalo Díaz
Occurrence of Neofusicoccum parvum Causing Canker and Branch Dieback of European Hazelnut in Maule Region, Chile.
Plant Disesase 108: 523 .
Producción Agrícola
Campillay-Llanos, W., López-Flores, M. M., Ortega-Farias, S., Díaz, G.A,
Samuel Ortega, Gonzalo Díaz
Theoretical approach to community structure: body size, density and energy.
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 46: e20230364.
Producción Agrícola
Campillay-Llanos, W., Ortega-Farias, S., and Ahumada-Orellana, L.
Samuel Ortega
Development and validation of phenological models for eight varieties of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) growing under Mediterranean climate condition.
Scientia Horticulturae 326: 112711.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes-Peñailillo, F., Ortega-Farías, S., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Rivera, M., Araya-Alman, M. A.
Samuel Ortega, César Acevedo
Smart Crop Water Stress Index-Based IoT Solution for Precision Irrigation of Wine Grape.
Sensors 2024, 24, 25.
Producción Agrícola
Liu, Y., Ortega-Farías, S., Fan, Y., Hou, Y., Wang, S., Yang, W., Li., S., and Tian, F.
Samuel Ortega
Comparison of Differences in Actual Cropland Evapotranspiration under Two Irrigation Methods Using Satellite-Based Model.
Remote Sens., 16, 175.
Producción Agrícola
Espinoza, S., Ortega-Farias, S., and Ahumada-Orellana, L.
Samuel Ortega
Characterization of Stomatal Density and Size of Different Vitis Vinifera L. Cultivars Growing in Mediterranean Climate Conditions.
Ciência Téc. Vitiv. 39(1) 14-18.
Producción Agrícola
Carrasco‑Benavides, M., Espinoza‑Meza, S., Umemura, K., Ortega‑Farías, S., Bafco‑Hernández, A., Neira‑Román, J., Ávila‑Sánchez, C., and Fuentes, S.
Samuel Ortega
Evaluation of thermal‑based physiological indicators for determining water‑stress thresholds in drip‑irrigated ‘Regina’ cherry trees.
Irrigation Science.
Producción Agrícola
de la Fuente-Saiz, D., Ortega-Farias, S., Carrasco-Benavides, M., Ortega-Salazar, S., Tian, F., Wang, S., Liu.
Samuel Ortega
Assessment of Satellite-Based Water Requirements for a Drip-Irrigated Apple Orchard in Mediterranean Agroclimatic Conditions.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes, S., Ortega-Farías, S., Carrasco-Benavides, M., Tongson, E., and Gonzalez Viejo.
Samuel Ortega
Actual evapotranspiration and Energy Balance Estimation from Vineyards using micro-meteorological data and machine learning modeling.
Agricultural Water Management, 297: 108834.
Producción Agrícola
Radrigán-Navarro C. & Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Sublethal effects of insecticides on the parasitism of Acerophagus flavidulus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae): Parasitoid of the obscure mealybug, Pseudococcus viburni (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).
Sustainability16: 1478.
Producción Agrícola
Cañete-Salinas P., de la Fuente-Sáiz D., Yánez-Segovia S., Guajardo J., Venegas J., Zamudio F., Espinosa C., Urzua J. & Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Use of satellite images to monitor Leucoptera sinuella leaf damage in poplar plantations in central Chile.
New Forests 55: in press.
Producción Agrícola
Rojas A., Troncoso, J.,
Álvaro Rojas
Sistemas de Aseguramiento de la Calidad en Universidades: Principios Orientadores para su Diseño e Implementación. En: International Handbook of Innovation and Assessment of the Quality of Higher Education and Research.
Editorial Thomson Reuters. Vol, 3.
Economía Agraria
Rojas A.
Álvaro Rojas
La educación superior en Iberoamérica en el sexenio 2016 – 2022: Tendencias del cambio y transformaciones. En: Brunner, J.J., Alarcón, M., Adasme, B.
Educación Superior en Iberoamérica, Informe 2024, Secretaría General Iberoamérica, SEGIB - CINDA, Documento virtual, 438pp.
Economía Agraria
Rojas A.
Álvaro Rojas
Gestión Estratégica de una Universidad Pública Regional: Lecciones de la Experiencia. En: Perspectivas y Desafíos de las Universidades Públicas en Chile, Garrido, O y Rivera C.
Editorial Universidad de Los Lagos, Santiago de Chile. ISBN: 978 - 956 – 6043-92-8.
Economía Agraria
Rojas, A., y Troncoso, J.J.
Álvaro Rojas
Vinculación con el Medio y el esfuerzo de medir su impacto”., pp. 399 – 421. En: Propuestas para el Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas Internos de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de las Universidades Chilenas. Mario Letelier.
GOP - CINDA, ISBN: 978 – 956 – 7106 – 72 – 1.
Economía Agraria
R Jara-Rojas, N Bobadilla, A Engler, C Bopp.
Roberto Jara
Using a Dynamic Map of Reference Evapotranspiration to Estimate Water Productivity: A Multilevel Analysis in Central Chile.
2023 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering.
Economía Agraria
Herrera, G., Jara-Rojas, R*.
Roberto Jara
Food Losses Perceived by Family Farm Agriculture: Challenges and policy implications from a micro-approach quantification.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6, 660.
Economía Agraria
Rojas, A.
Álvaro Rojas
“Transformación Digital: un imperativo ineludible” (pp. 37 – 78). En: Transformación digital: un reto abierto a las universidades”.
ISBN: 978 – 9546 – 329 – 171 – 1.
Economía Agraria
Rojas, A.
Álvaro Rojas
Transformación digital: un reto abierto a las universidades.
CINDA. ISBN: 978 – 9546 – 329 – 171 – 1
Economía Agraria
Rojas, A. y Villalobos, P.,
Álvaro Rojas,Pablo Villalobos
Desafíos y nuevas narrativas para la Transformación Universitaria. En: Redefiniendo la Educación Superior en Chile, Labraña, J., Brunner, J.J., Rodríguez, E., y Puyol, F. Editores).
Editorial Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile. ISBN: 978-956-314-575-5.
Economía Agraria
Contesse, M., Duncan, J., Legun, K., Klerkx, L.
Laurens Klerkx
(Un)intended lock-in: Chile’s organic agriculture law and the possibility of transformation towards more sustainable food systems.
Missions as boundary objects for transformative change: understanding coordination across policy, research, and stakeholder communities.
Science and Public Policy 50, 398-415.
Economía Agraria
Wolfert, S., Verdouw, C., van Wassenaer, L., Dolfsma, W., Klerkx, L.
Laurens Klerkx
Digital innovation ecosystems in agri-food: design principles and organizational framework.
Agricultural Systems 204, 103558.
Economía Agraria
Villalobos P., Rojas A., Labraña J., Puyol F.
Pablo Villalobos, Álvaro Rojas
Transiciones sociotécnicas e innovaciones de nicho en el gobierno de las universidades estatales chilenas: un estudio de caso transformativo.
Revistas Trilogía, Ciencia Tecnología y Sociedad 15(31): 1-24.
Economía Agraria
Villalobos, P., Boni, A., Chalela, S.
Pablo Villalobos
Fomentando la transdisciplinariedad para la cocreación del conocimiento: el caso de la ReD-IT de la Universidad de Talca (Chile).
Revista CTS, vol. 18, nº 53, julio, (171-197).
Economía Agraria
Díaz J., Kuhn N.
José Díaz
Compendium on Clima Change.
Universidad de de Talca, Chile y Universidad de Goettingen, Alemania.
Economía Agraria
Fuentes-Peñailillo, F.; Gutter, K.; Vega, R.; Silva, G. Carrasco.
Gilda Carrasco
Transformative Technologies in Digital Agriculture: Leveraging Internet of Things, Remote Sensing, and Artificial Intelligence for Smart Crop Management.
J. Sens. Actuator Netw. 2024, 13, 39.
Fuentes, F., Carrasco, G., Gutter, K., Vega, R., & Castro, H.
Gilda Carrasco
Agriculture 4.0 in Maule Region: Mapping the Landscape of Digital Transformation in Farming.
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON).
Fuentes, F., Rivera, M., Carrasco, G., Jaramillo, J., Gutter, K., Vega, R., & Castro, H.
Gilda Carrasco
Greenhouse crop monitoring with low-cost sensors: assessing lettuce production through air-canopy temperature difference.
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON).
Madrid, F.M.G.; Trigo, M.; Salazar-Avalos, S.; Carvajal-Funes, S.; Olivares, D.; Portillo, C.; Fuentealba, E.; Toro, N.; Carrasco, G.; Cáceres, L.
Gilda Carrasco
An In Situ Evaluation of Different CAM Plants as Plant Microbial Fuel Cells for Energy Recovery in the Atacama Desert.
Automating Seedling Counts in Horticulture Using Computer Vision and AI.
Horticulturae 2023, 9, 1134.
Miguel Urrestarazu, Gilda Carrasco.
Gilda Carrasco
Soilless Culture and Hydroponics.
Madrid. Editorial Mundi-Prensa.
B. González, M. Moya, U. Doll, H. Vogel.
Ursula Doll, Hermine Vogel
Genotype determines fruit quality in maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis).
Acta Hortic. 1358, 139-144.
Horacio Fraguela-Meissimilly, José Miguel Bastías-Monte*, Claudia Vergara, Jaime Ortiz-Viedma*, Roberto Lemus-Mondaca, Marcos Flores*, Pamela Toledo-Merma, Sylvia Alcázar-Alay, Manuela Gallón-Bedoya
Marcos Flores
New Trends in Supercritical Fluid Technology and Pressurized Liquids for the Extraction and Recovery of Bioactive Compounds from Agro-Industrial and Marine Food Waste.
Molécules Journal.
Jaime Ortiz-Viedma*, José M. Bastias, Cielo Char, Camila Vega, Alejandra Quintriqueo, Manuela Gallón, Marcos Flores*, José M. Aguilera, José M. Miranda, Jorge Barros-Velázquez.
Marcos Flores
Sequential biorefining of bioactive compounds of high functional value from Calafate pomace (Berberis microphylla) using supercritical CO2 and pressurized liquids.
Agro-industrial Waste Products as Mycotoxin Biosorbents: A Review of in Vitro and in Vivo Studies.
Food Reviews International 39 (5), 2914-2930.
Yuri, J.A.*, Sepúlveda, A., Fuentes, M. Ubilla, L., Lobos, G.A., Moggia, C.
José Antonio Yuri, Gustavo Lobos, Claudia Moggia
Effect of solar radiation on pigmentation, phenolic content and antioxidant activity in ‘Forelle’ pears during fruit growth and ripening.
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science.
Moggia, C. *, Sepúlveda, D., Valdés, M., Araya, C., Pacheco, P., Diaz, V., Beaudry, R., Lorca-Alvarez, J., Lobos, G.A.*.
Claudia Moggia, Gustavo Lobos
Dangler for Accelerated Dehydration (DAD): a novel system for assessing the impacts of relative humidity on fruit water loss during cold storage of blueberries.
HortScience 58, 717-721.
del Pozo*, A., Espinoza, S., Barahona, V., Inostroza, L., Gerding, M., Humphries, A., Lobos, G.A.
Alejandro Del Pozo, Gustavo Lobos
Aerial and ground-based phenotyping of an alfalfa diversity panel to assess adaptation to a prolonged drought period in a Mediterranean environment of central Chile.
European Journal of Agronomy 144, 126751
Estrada, F., Felxas, J., Araus, J.L., Mora-Poblete, F., Gonzalez-Talice, J., Castillo, D., Matus, I., Mendez-Espinoza, A.M., Garriga, M., Araya-Riquelme, C., Douthe, C. Castillo, D., del Pozo, A., Lobos, G.A.*.
Alejandro Del Pozo, Gustavo Lobos
Exploring plant responses to abiotic stress by contrasting spectral signature changes.
Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1026323.
Moggia, C. *, Lobos, G.A.*.
Claudia Moggia, Gustavo Lobos
Why measuring blueberry firmness at harvest is not enough to estimate postharvest softening after long term storage?
A review Postharvest Biology and Technology 198, 112230.
del Pozo*, A., Mendez-Espinoza, A.M., Garriga, M., Estrada, F., Castillo, D., Matus, I., Lobos, G.A
Alejandro Del Pozo, Gustavo Lobos
Phenotypic variation in leaf photosynthetic traits, leaf area index, and carbon discrimination of field-grown wheat genotypes and their relationship with yield performance in Mediterranean environments.
Planta 258:22.
Ballesta, P., Maldonado, C., Mora-Poblete, F., Mieres-Castro, D., del Pozo, A., Lobos, G.A.
Alejandro Del Pozo, Gustavo Lobos
Spectral-based classification of genetically differentiated groups in spring wheat grown under contrasting environments.
Plants 12, 440.
F. Schiappacasse, P. Yáñez, P. Peñailillo, E. Misle.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Measuring the length of the juvenile phase and corm growth in the Chilean endemic geophyte Conanthera bifolia Ruiz et Pavon. Int. J.Agric.Nat.
Resour. 50(2):84-91.
Caramantín – Soriano M. del P., Schiappacasse, F., Valdés, C. y Hahn, S.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Fragancias florales de plantas chilenas del Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Talca que atraen insectos.
Revista Diseño Urbano & Paisaje • DU&P • N°43.
Yuri, J.A., Palma, M., Sepúlveda A., Sánchez-Contreras, J. & Moya, M.
José Antonio Yuri
Use of the biostimulant Retard Cherry as a strategy to delay blooming period in sweet cherry trees.
Advances in Horticultural Science. 37(4): 427-432.
González, Y., Sepúlveda, A & Yuri, J.A.
José Antonio Yuri
Harvest date estimation of ‘Gala’ apples based on environment temperature using artificial intelligence.
Chilean Journal 83: 272-280.
Palma, M., Sepúlveda A., & Yuri, J.A.
José Antonio Yuri
Effect of plastic roof and high tunnel on microclimate, physiology, vegetative growth and fruit characteristics of “Santina” sweet cherry.
Scientia Horticulturae. 317 (1-9).
Pino, S., Palma, M., Sepúlveda, Á., Sánchez-Contreras, J., Moya, M., & Yuri, J.A.
José Antonio Yuri
Effect of Rain Cover on Tree Physiology and Fruit Condition and Quality of ‘Rainier’, ‘Bing’and ‘Sweetheart’Sweet Cherry Trees.
Chemical profile and bioactivity of Chilean bean landraces (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Journal of functional Foods vol.104.
Ignacio Errazuriz-Montares, Francisco Maldonado, Paulo Cañete-Salinas, Cristian Espinosa, Jorge Guajardo, Karen Vergara-Cordero, Paulina Moraga and César Acevedo-Opazo*.
César Acevedo
Effect of salicylic acid use on the gas exchange response of cherry plants under conditions of root anoxia caused by excess water at soil level.
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science.
Producción Agrícola
Muñoz, K., De la Fuente, C., Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Araya-Alman, M., Verdugo-Vásquez, N., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Molas, M., Valdés Gómez, H.
César Acevedo
Spatialized Study of Grapevine Trunk Disease in Cabernet and Chardonnay Vineyards.
Revista Iberoamericana de Viticultura Agroindustria y Ruralidad. Vol. 10, No. 28; 1-12 (2023).
Producción Agrícola
Saavedra-Pérez, Nicolás, Cañete-Salinas, Paulo, Ogass, Khristopher, Espinosa-Ackerknecht, Cristian, Urzua, Javier, Guajardo, Jorge, Errázuriz-Montanares, Ignacio, Garrido-Faúndez, Pablo and Acevedo-Opazo, César*.
César Acevedo
Characterization of yield spatial variability of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L), using auxiliary variables of high spatial resolution.
IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXVI Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Valdivia, Chile, 2023.
Producción Agrícola
Ignacio Errazuriz-Montanares, Sergio Fernandez, Paulo Cañete-Salinas, Khristopher Ogass, Cristian Espinosa, Jorge Guajardo, Nicolas Saavedra, Sebastián Contreras Francisco Zamudio and César Acevedo-Opazo*.
César Acevedo
Use Of Micronized Calcium Carbonate-Based Sunscreen on Young European Hazelnut (Corylus Avellana L.) in Commercial Nursery Under Environmental Stress Conditions During the Summer Period.
Agricultural Science.
Producción Agrícola
Arriagada O, Arévalo B, Cabeza RA, Carrasco B, Schwember AR.
Ricardo Cabeza
Meta-QTL Analysis for Yield Components in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Plants 12: 117.
Producción Agrícola
Brunet-Loredo A, López-Belchí MD, Cordero-Lara K, Noriega F, Cabeza RA, Fischer S, Careaga P, Garriga M.
Ricardo Cabeza
Assessing Grain Quality Changes in White and Black Rice under Water Deficit.
Plants 12: 4091
Producción Agrícola
del Pozo, A., Ruf, K., Alfaro, C., Zurita, A., Guerra, F.,
Alejandro Del Pozo
Traits associated with higher productivity and resilience to drought-prone Mediterranean environments of coastal-lowland quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.).
Field Crop Research 299,108985.
Producción Agrícola
del Pozo, A., Espinoza, E., Barahona, V., Inostroza, L., Gerding, M., Humphries, A., Ovalle, C.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Aerial and ground-based phenotyping of an alfalfa diversity panel to assess adaptation to a prolonged drought period in a Mediterranean environment of central Chile.
European Journal of Agronomy 144: 126751.
Producción Agrícola
del Pozo, A., Méndez-Espinoza, A.M., Castillo, D.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Triticale. In: Mu Pphammad Farooq and Kadambot Siddique (Eds.).
Neglected and Underutilized Crops. Elsevier. Pp. 325-362.
Producción Agrícola
Iqbal, S., Hernández, Y., Lolas, M., Elfar, K., Eskalen, A., Latorre, B., and Díaz, G.A.
Mauricio Lolas, Gonzalo Díaz
Dothiorella sarmentorum Causing Branch Dieback of English Walnut in Maule Region, Chile.
Plant Disease. 107:1219.
Producción Agrícola
Díaz, G.A., Reveglia, P., Tomoiaga, L.L., and Chedea,
Gonzalo Díaz
Fungal pathogens causing the grapevine trunk diseases- biology and identification.
Frontier in Fungal Biology 4:1186166.
Producción Agrícola
Rojas, C., Díaz, G. A., Montenegro, O., and Ferrada, E. E.
Gonzalo Díaz
Occurrence of leaf rust disease in Oxalis triangularis caused by Puccinia oxalidis in Valdivia, Chile.
Plant Disease. 107: 2225.
Producción Agrícola
Cancino, S., Lolas, M., Galdós, L., Hernández, Y., Ferrada, F., Riveros, P., Blanco-Ulate, B., and Díaz, G.A.
Mauricio Lolas, Gonzalo Díaz
Occurrence of Alternaria alternata and A. tenuissima causing black rot in cherry fruits (Prunus avium) in Central Chile.
Plant Disease 107: 4032.
Producción Agrícola
Neri, F., Crucitti, D., Negrini, F., Pacifico, D. Ceredi, G., Carimi, F., Lolas, M.A., Collina, M., Baraldi, E.
Mauricio Lolas
New insight into morphological and genetic diversity of Phlyctema vagabunda and Neofabraea kienholzii causing bull's eye rot on apple and pear.
Plant Pathology 72(2): 268-289.
Producción Agrícola
Espinoza-Meza, S., Ortega-Farias, S., López-Olivari, R., Araya-Alman, M., and Carrasco-Benavides, M.
Samuel Ortega
Response of fruit yield, fruit quality, and water productivity to different irrigation levels for a microsprinkler-irrigated apple orchard (cv. Fuji) growing under Mediterranean conditions.
European Journal of Agronomy 145: 126786.
Producción Agrícola
Egaña-Juricic, M.E., Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Moreno-Simunovic, Y.
Yerko Moreno
.Vinification and Aging of Carignan Wines in Pañul’s Clay Vessels: Study of Wine Volatile Compounds | Vinificación y guarda de vinos Carignan en tinajas de arcilla de Pañul: estudio de la composición volátil de los vinos.
Revista Iberoamericana de Viticultura Agroindustria y Ruralidad, 10(30), pp. 55–69
Souza, P.J.d.O.P.d., Silva, E.R.R., Silva, B.B.d., Ferreira, T.R., Sousa, D.d.P., Luz, D.B.d., Adami, M., Sousa, A.M.L.d., Nunes, H.G.G.C., Fernandes, G.S.T., Pinto, J.V.d.N., Farias, V.D.d.S., de Oliveira, I.A., da Silva. S.A.S., Costa, J.F., Rua, M.L., Costa, D.L.P., Moura, V.B., de Lima,M.J.A., Santos, J.E.O., Sousa, A.J.d.S., Ortega-Farias, S.
Samuel Ortega
Estimation of the Evapotranspiration of Irrigated Açaí (Euterpe oleracea M.), through the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land—SEBAL, in Eastern Amazonia.
Water 2023, 15, 1073.
Producción Agrícola
Yang, X., Shi, X., Zhang, Y., Tian, F., and Ortega-Farias, S.
Samuel Ortega
Response of Evapotranspiration (ET) to Climate Factors and Crop Planting Structures in the Shiyang River Basin, Northwestern China.
Remote Sens. 15: 3923.
Producción Agrícola
Morales‑Salinas L., Ortega‑Farias, S., Riveros‑Burgos, C., Chávez, JL., Wang, S., Tian, Fei., Carrasco‑Benavides, M., Neira‑Román, J., López‑Olivari, R., and Fuentes‑Jaque, G.
Samuel Ortega
Assessment of atmospheric emissivity models for clear‑sky conditions with reanalysis data.
Scientific Reports: 14465.
Producción Agrícola
Lolas, M.A, Latorre, B.A., Ferrada, E., Grinbergs, D., Chilian, J., Ortega-Farias, S., Campillay-Llanos, W., and Díaz, GA.
Mauricio Lolas, Samuel Ortega, Gonzalo Díaz
Occurrence of Neofusicoccum parvum Causing Canker and Branch Dieback of European Hazelnut in Maule Region, Chile.
Plant disease.
Producción Agrícola
Pinto, J.V.d.N., Costa, D.L.P., Costa, A.P.d.S., Pires, M.P., Rolim, G.d.S., de Sousa, A.M.L.., Ortega-Farias, S., and Souza, P.J.d.O.P.d . Paulo J. de O. P. de Souza, P.J.d.O.P.
Samuel Ortega
Fruit yield and gas exchange of Tahiti lime at different irrigation depths in the Amazon.
Rev. bras. eng. agríc. ambient.
Producción Agrícola
Ortega-Farías, S., Campillay-Llanos, W., and Ahumada-Orellana, L.
Samuel Ortega
Biomathematical Modeling and Phenology in Sweet Cherry: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change.
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valdivia, Chile.
Producción Agrícola
Campillay-Llanos, W., López-Flores, M.M., Ortega-Farías, S., and Díaz, G.
Samuel Ortega
Advances in Analysing Proportional Electrical Signals in Digital Devices: Novel Tools for Plant Electrophysiology.
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valdivia, Chile.
Producción Agrícola
Ortega-Farías, S., Díaz, G., Campillay-Llanos, W., and López-Flores, M.M.
Samuel Ortega
Digitalized Biomathematical Models for the Dynamic Analysis of Gray Mold Caused by Botrytis Cinerea in Wine Grapes: Insights and Applications.
2023 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valdivia, Chile.
Producción Agrícola
López D.N., Fuentes-Contreras E., Ruiz C., Idee S. & Estay S.A.
Eduardo Fuentes
A bugs’ tale: revealing patterns in 500 years of insect introductions.
Neobiota 81: 183-197.
Producción Agrícola
Yánez-Segovia S., Ramírez C.C., Lindroth R. & Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Resistance against Leucoptera sinuella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) among hybrid clones of Populus spp. in central Chile.
Journal of Economic Entomology 116: 1662–1670.
Producción Agrícola
Knight A.L., Preti M., Basoalto E., & Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Increasing catches of adult moth pests (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in pome fruit with low-intensity LED lights added to sex pheromone / kairomone lure-baited traps.
Journal of Applied Entomology 147: 843-856.
Producción Agrícola
Salas D., Devia J. Fuentes-Contreras E., Toro D.
Eduardo Fuentes
Pulgones como vectores del PPV en frutales de carozo. En: M. Madariaga y N. Nova (Eds.) “La enfermedad de Sharka: una amenaza para la producción de frutales de carozo”.
pp. 61-81. Boletín INIA Nº 485. Santiago.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Atraer para controlar: Utilización de semioquímicos para el manejo de la polilla de la manzana en Chile.
. MundoAgro 167:42-47.
Producción Agrícola
Gaitán-Cremaschi, D., Klerkx, L., Aguilar-Gallegos, N., Duncan, J., Pizzolón, A., Dogliotti, S., Rossing, W.A.H.
Laurens Klerkx
Public food procurement from family farming: A food system and social network perspective.
Food Policy 111, 102325.
Economía Agraria
Klerkx, L., Turner, J., Percy, H.
Laurens Klerkx
Navigating the rapids of agrifood systems transformation: reflections on Aotearoa New Zealand’s emerging mission-oriented agrifood innovation system.
New Zealand Economic Papers, 1-15.
Economía Agraria
F. Fuentes-Peñailillo, R. Jara-Rojas and C. Bopp.
Roberto Jara
Use of remote sensing and ground-based measurements for the evaluation of the SIRSD-S Program in Biobío Region, Chile.
IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV pp. 1-5.
Economía Agraria
Bopp, C., Jara-Rojas, R. Engler, A., Araya-Alman, M.
Roberto Jara
How are vineyards management strategies and climate-related conditions affecting economic performance? A case study of Chilean wine grape growers.
Wine Economics and Policy 11(2), 61-73.
Economía Agraria
Bopp, C., Jara-Rojas, R.*, Bravo-Ureta, B., Engler, A.
Roberto Jara
Irrigation water use, shadow values and productivity: Evidence from stochastic production frontiers in vineyards.
Agricultural Water Management 271, 107766.
Economía Agraria
Niklas, B., Cardebat, J., Back, R., Pinilla, V., Guenter, S., Fernandes, J., Jara-Rojas, R.
Roberto Jara
Wine industry perceptions and reactions to the COVID-19 crisis in the Old and New Worlds: Do business models make a difference?
Agribusiness 1–22.
Economía Agraria
Bopp, C., Engler, A., Jara-Rojas, R., Hunecke, C., Melo, O.
Roberto Jara
Collective Actions and Leadership Attributes: A Cluster Analysis of Water User Associations in Chile.
Water Economics and Policy.
Economía Agraria
Adasme-Berríos, C., Aliaga-Ortega, L., Schnettler, B., Parada, M., Andaur, J., Carreño,C., Lobos, G., Jara-Rojas, R., Valdes, R.
Gustavo Lobos, Roberto Jara
Effect of warning labels on consumer motivation and intention to avoid consuming processed foods.
Nutrients 14, 1547.
Economía Agraria
Vásquez-Ibarra, L., Iriarte, A., Villalobos, P., Meza-Rengel, F., Rebolledo-Leiva, R., Angulo-Meza, L. & González-Araya, M.
Pablo Villalobos
A wide environmental analysis of beekeeping systems through life cycle assessment: key contributor activities and influence of operation scale.
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 20:5, 790-805
Economía Agraria
G. Carrasco, F. Fuentes-Peñailillo, R. Pérez, P. Rebolledo and P. Manríquez.
Gilda Carrasco, Paula Manríquez
An Approach to a Vertical Farming Low-cost to Reach Sustainable Vegetable Crops.
IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA).
Biofortified Rocket (Eruca sativa L.) with Selenium by Using the Nutrient Film Technique.
Horticulturae 8, 1088.
Yasmina Chourak, El Hassan Belarbi, Tatiana Pagan Loeiro da Cunha-Chiamolera, José Luis Guil-Guerrero, Gilda Carrasco & Miguel Urrestarazu.
Gilda Carrasco
Effect of Macronutrient Conditions and Electrical Conductivity on the Quality of Saffron Grown in Soilless Culture Systems.
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (0718-9516).
M. Yañez, B. González, S. Espinoza, H. Vogel, U. Doll.
Hermine Vogel, Ursula Doll
Phenotypic variation of fruit and ecophysiological traits among maqui (Aristotelia chilensis [Molina] Stuntz) provenances established in a common garden.
Nadia Cruz, Marcos Flores, Inés Urquiaga, Felipe Ávila.
Marcos Flores
Modulation of 1,2-Dicarbonyl Compounds in Postprandial Responses Mediated by Food Bioactive Components and Mediterranean Diet.
How resilient are wine tourism destinations to health-related security threats? A winery perspective.
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 24, 100707.
Castro, R.I., Laurie, V.F., Padilla, C., & Carrasco-Sánchez, V.
Felipe Laurie
Removal of Ochratoxin A from Red Wine Using Alginate-PVA-L.plantarum (APLP) Complexes: A Preliminary Study.
Toxins 14 (4), 230.
Pavez, C., González-Muñoz, B., O'Brien, J.A., Laurie, V.F., Osorio, F., Núñez, E., Vega, R.E., Bordeu, E., & Brossard, N.
Felipe Laurie
Red wine astringency: Correlations between chemical and sensory features.
LWT Food Science and Technology. 154, 1126552.
Moggia, C., Bravo, M.A., Baettig, R., Valdés, M., Romero-Bravo, S., Zúñiga, M., Cornejo, J., Gosetti, F., Ballabio, D., Cabeza, R.A., Beaudry, R., Lobos, G.A.*.
Claudia Moggia, Ricardo Cabeza, Gustavo Lobos
Improving bitter pit prediction by the use of X-ray fluorescence (XRF): A new approach by multivariate classification.
Heritable variation of foliar spectral reflectance enhances genomic prediction of hydrogen cyanide in a genetically structured population of Eucalyptus.
Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 871943.
Moggia, C., Peñaloza, O., Torres, J., Romero-Bravo, S., Sepulveda, D., Jara, R., Vivanco, S., Valdeés, M., Zuñiga, M., Beaudry, R.M., Lobos, G.A.*.
Claudia Moggia, Gustavo Lobos
Within-plant variability in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) II: Is a shorter harvest interval always the ideal strategy to maximize fruit firmness?
Postharvest Biology and Technology 186: 111815.
Egaña-Juricic, M.E., Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Moreno-Simunovic, Y.
Yerko Moreno
Making Wine in Pañul´s Craft Pottery Vessels: a First approach in the study of the Dynamics of Alcoholic Fermentation and Wine Volatile Composition.
Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 37(1), pp. 29–38
Lobos G.A., Estrada F., del Pozo A., Romero-Bravo S., Astudillo C.A. Mora-Poblete F.
Gustavo Lobos, Alejandro del Pozo
Challenges for a massive implementation of phenomics in plant breeding programs. En “High throughput plant phenotyping: methods and protocols” Lorence A., Medina, K. (eds).
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), Springer, New York. Book series (MIMB,volume 2539), 135-157 pp.
Inhibition of advanced glycation end products and protein oxidation by leaf extracts and phenolics from Chilean bean landraces.
Journal of Functional Foods. Vol 98:1-10.
Jazmín Alarcón Espósito; Nélida Nina ; Cristina Theoduloz ; Alberto Burgos Edwards ; Hernán Paillan L. ; Guillermo Schmeda Hirschmann.
Hernán Paillán
Phenolic Composition and α-Glucosidase Inhibition of Leaves from Chilean Bean Landraces.
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 77(1): 135-140.
F. Schiappacasse, P. Rebolledo y L. Valdivia.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Manipulating flowering time of Protea ‘Pink Ice’ in Chile to prevent bud freeze injury.
Acta Hort. 1347: 77-83.
F. Schiappacasse, F. Ramírez y E. Misle.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Protea ‘Pink Ice’: base temperature and growing degree hours from flower bud to harvest stage in Maule Region, Chile.
Acta Hort. 1347: 101-107.
Vera-Puerto, I.; Valdés, H.; Bueno, M.; Correa, C.; Olave, J.; Carrasco-Benavides, M.; Schiappacasse, F.; Arias, C.A.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Reclamation of Treated Wastewater for Irrigation in Chile: Perspectives of the Current State and Challenges.
Water 14, 627.
Schiappacasse, F., Carrasco, G., Espinoza, M.C. y Moons, W.
Flavia Schiappacasse, Gilda Carrasco
Use of sawdust and bark of Pinus radiata as substrates for Belgian Chrysanthemums grown for summer production.
IDESIA 40(3): 127-133.
Rodríguez L, A Trostchansky, H Vogel, I Wood, I Palomo, S Wehinger, E Fuentes.
Hermine Vogel
A Comprehensive Literature Review on Cardioprotective effects of bioactive compounds present in the fruits of Aristotelia chilensis Stuntz (Maqui). Review.
Molecules 27, 6147.
Kahlaoui, B., Sánchez-Contreras, J., Santos, L. S., Misle, E., & Yuri, J. A.
José Antonio Yuri
Assessing apple coming from agroclimatic differing locations: a tool for evaluating impact of environmental variation on postharvest.
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 1-20.
Maldonado, F., Yuri, J.A., Neira, A., & Razmilic, I.
José Antonio Yuri
Total phenolics, quercetin glycosides and antioxidant activity in organic and conventional orchards in three apple cultivars during fruit growth.
Spanish journal of agricultural research, 20(4), 14.
Reyes-Manríquez, S., Yuri, J.A., Neira, A., Fuentes, M., Palma, M., Moya, M. Sánchez-Contreras, J.
José Antonio Yuri
Biochemical characterization of seven sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars in Chile.
Italus Hortus, 29(3), pp. 25-35.
Yuri, J.A., Sepúlveda, A., Moya, M., Simeone, D. & Fuentes, M.
José Antonio Yuri
Shade netting and reflective mulches effect on yield and quality variables of ‘Gala Baigent’ and ‘Fuji Raku Raku’ apples.
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science.
Yuri, J.A., Palma, M., Sepúlveda, Á., & Moya, M.
José Antonio Yuri
Water retention on the surface of apples and sweet cherry leaves and fruits.
Journal of Plant Protection Research, 62(2), 136–144.
Yuri, J.A., Neira, A., Fuentes, M., Sáez, B. & Razmilic, I.
José Antonio Yuri
Have the Flowers, Fruitlets, ¿Ripe Fruit and Leaves of Apples Cultivars Similar Compositions of Phenolic and Antioxidant Capacity?.
Verdugo-Vásquez, N., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Valdés-Gómez, H., Pañitrur-De la Fuente C., Ingram B.,García de Cortázar-Atauri I., Tisseyre B.
César Acevedo
Identification of main factors affecting the within-field spatial variability of grapevine phenology and total soluble solids accumulation: towards the vineyardzoning using auxiliary information.
Precision Agric 23(1), pp. 253.277.
Producción Agrícola
Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Guerrero-Méndez, M., Araya-Alman, M., Verdugo-Vásquez, N.,Valdés-Gómez, H., Acevedo-Opazo, C*
César Acevedo
Sunscreen Based on Dicarboxylic Acid Salts Applications to Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Plants: Effects on Water Stress Tolerance and Productivity.
Horticulturae, 8 (2), art. no. 95.
Producción Agrícola
Paulo Cañete-Salinas, Héctor Valdés-Gómez, Daniel de la Fuente-Sáiz, Francisco Maldonado, Cristian Espinosa, Nicolás Verdugo-Vásquez and César Acevedo-Opazo*.
César Acevedo
Spatial prediction model of plant water status of an olive orchard (Olea europaea L.) cv. arbequina under semiarid conditions in the central valley of Chile.
Journal of Agricultural Science.
Producción Agrícola
César Acevedo-Opazo, Carlos Cisternas, Paola Andrade, Cristian Espinosa, Ignacio Errazuriz-Montares, Karen Vergara-Cordero, José Correa, Víctor Salazar, Jorge Guajardo, Camilo Cornejo, Francisco Maldonado, Paulo Cañete-Salinas.
César Acevedo
Effect of two different irrigation strategies in five rice varieties on the yield components in a cold Mediterranean climate in the south-central zone of Chile.
Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 14, No. 12; 2022.
Producción Agrícola
Canete-Salinas, P., Romero, D., J. Venegas, J., Espinosa, C., Ogass, K., Acevedo-Opazo, C.*
César Acevedo
Proposal of water status monitoring of adult Populus commercial stands using satellite imagery.
IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA)
Producción Agrícola
Marc Fermaud, Carolina Pañitrur-De la Fuente, Jean Roudet, Nicolás Verdugo-Vásquez, Mario Herrera Défaz, Jean Pascal Goutouly, César Acevedo-Opazo, Héctor Valdés-Gómez.
César Acevedo
Reducing possibly synthetic fungicide input by using vigor thresholded NDVI as early risk indicator of Botrytis bunch rot in vineyards.
IVES Technical Reviews.
Producción Agrícola
Meza C, Valenzuela F, Echeverría-Vega A, Gomez A, Sarkar S, Cabeza RA, Arencibia AD, Quiroz K, Carrasco B, Banerjee A
Ricardo Cabeza
Plant-growth-promoting bacteria from rhizosphere of Chilean common bean ecotype (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) supporting seed germination and growth against salinity stress.
Frontiers in Plant Science 13.
Producción Agrícola
Arriagada O, Cacciuttolo F, Cabeza RA, Carrasco B, Schwember AR.
Ricardo Cabeza
A Comprehensive Review on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Breeding for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Climate Change Resilience.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 6794.
Producción Agrícola
Moraga, F., Alcaíno, M., Matus, I., Castillo, C., del Pozo, A.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Senescence dynamic of wheat genotypes with contrasting tolerance to water stress.
Plants, 11, 292.
Producción Agrícola
del Pozo, A., Jobet, C., Matus, I., Méndez-Espinoza, A.M., Garriga, M., Castillo, D., Elazab, A.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Genetic yield gains and changes in morphophysiological-related traits of winter wheat in southern Chilean high-yielding environments.
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 732988.
Producción Agrícola
Díaz, G.A., Valdes, A.V., Halleen F., Ferrada, E.E., Lolas, M., and Latorre, B.A.
Gonzalo Díaz, Mauricio Lolas
Characterization and pathogenicity of Diplodia, Lasiodiplodia and Neofusicoccum species causing Botryosphaeria canker and dieback of apple trees in central Chile.
Plant Disease 106:925-937.
Producción Agrícola
Iqbal, S., Wang, X., Mubeen, I., Kamran, M., Kanwal, I., Díaz, G.A., Abbas, A., Parveen, A., Fahad, S., and Nauman, M.
Gonzalo Díaz
Phytohormones Trigger Drought Tolerance in Crop Plants: Outlook and Future Perspectives.
Frontier in Plant Science 12:799318.
Producción Agrícola
Gutiérrez, M., Pinheiro, C. Duarte, J., Sumonte, C., Ferrada, E. E, Elfar, K. Eskalen A., Lolas, M., Galdós, L. and Díaz, G. A.
Mauricio Lolas, Gonzalo Díaz
Severe Outbreak of Dry Core Rot in Apple Fruits cv. Fuji Caused by Kalmusia variispora During Pre-harvest in Maule Region, Chile.
Plant Disease 106: 2750.
Producción Agrícola
Díaz, G. A. and Latorre, B. A.
Gonzalo Díaz
Duration of the susceptibility of pruning wounds of different ages to infections by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora on grapevine cv. Cabernet Sauvignon in Central Chile.
Frontier in Fungal Biology.
Producción Agrícola
Zamudio, F., Yañez, M., Hamelin, R., Lolas, M. and Urzúa, J.
Mauricio Lolas
Modeling the genetic response of diameter growth in poplar hybrids growing in the center of Chile in the presence of Septoria canker.
Tree Genetics and Genomes 18(4): article 30.
Producción Agrícola
Carrasco-Benavides, M., Ortega-Farías, S., Gil, P.M., Knopp, D., Morales-Salinas, Octavio Lagos,L.O., de la Fuente, D., López-Olivari, R., and Fuentes, S.
Samuel Ortega
Assessment of the vineyard water footprint by using ancillary data and EEFlux satellite images.
Examples in the Chilean central zone, Science of The Total Environment, 152452, ISSN 0048-9697.
Producción Agrícola
Lu S, Xuan J, Zhang T, Bai X, Tian F, Ortega-Farias S.
Samuel Ortega
Effect of the Shadow Pixels on Evapotranspiration Inversion of Vineyard: A High-Resolution UAV-Based and Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements.
Remote Sensing. 20; 14(9):2259.
Producción Agrícola
Ahumada-Orellana, L., Ortega-Farias, S., Searles, P.S. and M. Zuñiga.
Samuel Ortega
Leaf gas exchange, water status, and oil yield responses to rewatering after irrigation cut-off periods in a superintensive drip-irrigated olive (cv. Arbequina) orchard.
Irrig Sci.
Producción Agrícola
Ortega-Farias, S., Espinoza Meza, S., López-Olivari, R., Araya-Alman, M., and Carrasco-Benavides, M.
Samuel Ortega
Effects of four irrigation regimes on yield, fruit quality, plant water status, and water productivity in a furrow-irrigated red raspberry orchard.
Agricultural Water Management, 273: 107885.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes-Peñailillo, F., Ortega-Farías, S., Albornoz, J., Gutter, K. and Vega-Ibáñez, R.
Samuel Ortega
UAV-based estimation of vineyard actual evapotranspiration using the Shuttleworth and Wallace model.
Acta Hortic. 1335, 389-394.
Producción Agrícola
Gutter, K., Ortega-Farías, S., Fuentes-Peñailillo, F., Moreno, M., Vega-Ibáñez, R., Riveros-Burgos, C. and Albornoz, J.
Samuel Ortega
Estimation of vineyard water status using infrared thermometry measured at two positions of the canopy.
Acta Hortic. 1335, 331-338.
Producción Agrícola
Campillay-Llanos, W., Fuentes-Peñailillo, F., and Ortega-Farías, S.
Samuel Ortega
Towards indicators for agricultural production through biomathematical modeling using an interactive web platform," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Curicó, Chile.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes-Penailillo, F., Ortega-Farías, S., Tian, T., Pérez, R., Calderón, V., and Pérez, D.
Samuel Ortega
Towards the monitoring of water consumption of crops using digital agriculture techniques.
IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Curicó, Chile.
Producción Agrícola
Ortega-Farías, S., Fuentes-Peñailillo, F., Gutter, K., and Vega-Ibáñez, R.
Samuel Ortega
Remote sensing tools for monitoring water requirements and water stress in vineyards and fruit trees.
IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Curicó, Chile.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes-Peñailillo, F., Pérez, R., Ortega-Farías, S., Gutter, K., Nieto, H., and Paredes, R.
Samuel Ortega
Use of a natural language processing bot for agricultural water management.
IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Curicó, Chile.
Producción Agrícola
Vega-Ibáñez, R., Ortega-Farías, S., Fuentes-Peñailillo, F., Gutter, K. and Albornoz, J.
Samuel Ortega
Estimation of midday stem water potential in grapevine leaves (‘Cabernet Sauvignon’) using spectral reflectance indices.
Acta Hortic. 1335, 325-330.
Producción Agrícola
Pinto, J.V.d.N., Costa, D.L.P., Nunes, H.G.G.C., Junior, A.C.d.S., Sousa, A.M.L.d., P.J.d.O.P.d., and Ortega-Farias, S.
Samuel Ortega
Radiation Balance and Partitioning of Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes Over a Lime Orchard in Eastern Amazon.
Rev. bras. meteorol. 37 (4).
Producción Agrícola
Ceballos R., Contreras A., Fujii T., Nojima S., Fuentes-Contreras E. & Arratzio D., Garrido A. & Curkovic T.
Eduardo Fuentes
Successful controlling of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), using meso-dispensers for mating disruption in urban areas of central Chile.
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 82: 437-447.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes-Contreras E., Yánez-Segovia S. & Guajardo G.
Eduardo Fuentes
Avances en el manejo integrado de la polilla del álamo en Chile.
Revista Frutícola 44(2):32-38.
Producción Agrícola
Klerkx, L.
Laurens Klerkx
Digital and virtual spaces as sites of extension and advisory services research: social media, gaming, and digitally integrated and augmented advice.
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 27, 277-286.
Economía Agraria
Rijswijk, K., Klerkx, L., Bacco, M., Bartolini, F., Bulten, E., Debruyne, L., Dessein, J., Scotti, I., Brunori, G.
Laurens Klerkx
Digital transformation of agriculture and rural areas: A socio-cyber-physical system framework to support responsibilisation.
Journal of Rural Studies 85, 79-90.
Economía Agraria
Van Delden, S.H., SharathKumar, M., Butturini, M., Graamans, L.J.A., Heuvelink, E., Kacira, M., Kaiser, E., Klamer, R.S., Klerkx, L., Kootstra, G., Loeber, A., Schouten, R.E., Stanghellini, C., van Ieperen, W., Verdonk, J.C., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Woltering, E.J., van de Zedde, R., Zhang, Y., Marcelis, L.F.M.,
Laurens Klerkx
Current status and future challenges in implementing and upscaling vertical farming systems.
Nature Food 2, 944-956.
Economía Agraria
Bravo-Ureta, B.E., Jara-Rojas, R*., Moreira, V.H, Riveros Villegas, P.
Roberto Jara
Data challenges in the measurement of agricultural productivity: Lessons from Chile.
Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 48(3):126-148.
Economía Agraria
Engler, A., Melo, O., Rodríguez, F., Peñafiel, B., Jara-Rojas, R.
Roberto Jara
Governing water resource allocation: water user association characteristics and the role of the State.
Water 13:2436-2454.
Economía Agraria
Bopp, C*., Araya, M., Engler, A., Jara-Rojas, R.
Roberto Jara
What are the factors explaining pesticide sprayings on grapevines? A comparison of 440 plots belonging to three wine valleys of Chile.
Acta Hortic. 1314, 329-336.
Economía Agraria
Iriarte, A., Yañez, P., Villalobos, P., Huenchuleo, P., Rebolledo, R.
Pablo Villalobos
Carbon footprint of southern hemisphere fruit exported to Europe: The case of Chilean apple to the UK.
The case of Chilean apple to the UK. Journal of Cleaner Production 293 (2021) 126118.
Economía Agraria
Carrasco, G., Manríquez, P., Galleguillos, F., Fuentes-Peñailillo, F. and Urrestarazu, M.
Gilda Carrasco, Paula Manríquez
Evolution of soilless culture in Chile.
Acta Hortic. 1321, 267-274.
Carrasco, G., Galleguillos M., Hernández, D., Pincheira, G., Peralta, A.K., Urrestarazu M., Vergara-Carmona, V. and Fuentes-Peñailillo, F.
Gilda Carrasco
Microplastics and Their Effect in Horticultural Crops: Food Safety and Plant Stress.
Consumption of deep fried food and its association with cardiovascular risk factors among first year students in a Chilean university.
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.
Marcos Flores*, Luis Reyes-García, Jaime Ortiz-Viedma, Nalda Romero, Yesica Vilcanqui, Cristian Rogel, Javier Echeverría, Oscar Forero-Doria*
Marcos Flores
Thermal Behavior Improvement of Fortified Commercial Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oil with Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) Leaf Extracts.
Antioxidants Journal.
Luis Reyes-García, Fabian Lizama, Valeska Roldan, Carmen Paz Troncoso, Marcos Flores-García.
Marcos Flores
Coupled gas chromatographic-electroantenographic responses of Xanthogaleruca luteola (Muller) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to volatile organic compounds from Eucalyptus globulus extract.
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research.
Mirabal-Gallardo, Y., Soriano, M. del P. C., Olate, V. R., Jofré, L. G., Pyarasani, R. D., John, A., & Laurie, F.
Felipe Laurie
Characterization of five Chilean agribusiness by-products and their potential use as food supplements.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 33(7), 607–612.
Diaz, I., Castro, R. I., Ubeda, C., Loyola, R., & Laurie, V. F.
Felipe Laurie
Combined effects of sulfur dioxide, glutathione and light exposure on the conservation of bottled Sauvignon blanc.
Food Chemistry, 356, 129689.
Castro, R. I., Morales-Quintana, L., Alvarado, N., Guzmán, L., Forero-Doria, O., Valenzuela-Riffo, F., & Laurie, V. F.
Felipe Laurie
Design and optimization of a self-assembling complex based on microencapsulated calcium alginate and glutathione (Cag) using response surface methodology.
Polymers, 13(13), 2080.
Cortiella, M. G. I., Ubeda, C., Covarrubias, J. I., Laurie, V. F., & Pena-Neira, A.
Felipe Laurie
Chemical and Physical Implications of the Use of Alternative Vessels to Oak Barrels during the Production of White Wines.
Molecules, 26(3).
Mora-Poblete, F., Ballesta, P., Lobos, G.A., Molina-Montenegro, M., Gleadow, R., Ahmar, S., Jimenez-Aspee, F.
Gustavo Lobos
Genome-wide association study of cyanogenic glycosides, proline, sugars and pigments in Eucalyptus cladocalyx after eighteen consecutive dry summers.
Physiologia Plantarum 172: 1550-1569.
Garriga, M., Romero-Bravo, S., Estrada, F., Méndez-Espinoza, A.M., González-Martínez, L., Matus, I., Castillo, D., Lobos, G.A.*, del Pozo, A*.
Gustavo Lobos, Alejandro del Pozo
Estimating carbon isotope discrimination and grain yield of bread wheat grown under water-limited and full irrigation conditions by hyperspectral canopy reflectance and multilinear regression analysis.
International Journal of Remote Sensing 42: 2848–2871
Ferrada E., Díaz G., Biche J., Lolas M., Lobos G.A., Díaz G.
Mauricio Lolas, Gustavo Lobos, Gonzalo Díaz
Identification and characterization and of Botrytis isolates obtained from blossom blight and fruits with calyx-end rot in Chile.
V International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology: From Consumer to Laboratory - Sustainable Approaches to Managing Postharvest Pathogens Acta Hort. (ISHS) 1325: 85-90.
Moggia C., Valdés Y., Arancibia A., Valdés M., Radrigán C., Beaudry R., Lobos G.A.
Claudia Moggia, Gustavo Lobos
A comparison of firmness assessment instruments for fresh blueberry fruit.
HortTechonology 32(2): 172-181.
Musalem, M, E. Olate y F. Schiappacasse.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Conclusiones del VI Congreso Nacional de Flora Nativa de Chile 2019: una contribución al diálogo sobre nuestra flora.
Chloris Chilensis. Año 24, Nº 1: 55-67.
Caramantín Soriano M. del P., Schiappacasse, F., Peñailillo, P., Tapia, J., Wehinger, S., Valenzuela-Vasquez, C.A, S. Durán. 2021.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Nutritional and Functional Potential of Selliera radicans Cav., a Chilean native halophyte.
Pharmacognosy Journal 13(2):341-346.
Faúndez-López, P., Delorenzo-Arancibia, J., Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Moreno-Simunovic, Y.
Yerko Moreno
Pruning cuts affect wood necrosis but not the percentage of budburst or shoot development on spur pruned vines for different grapevine varieties.
Vitis - Journal of Grapevine Research, 60(3), pp. 137–141.
Ávila, D.B., Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., and Moreno-Simunovic, Y.
Yerko Moreno
Viticultural characterization of Carignan (Vitis vinifera L.) grapevine variety located in the rainfed area of the Maule Valley, Chile | Caracterización vitícola de la variedad Carignan (Vitis vinífera L.) ubicada en la zona de secano del Valle del Maule, Chile.
Revista Iberoamericana de Viticultura Agroindustria y Ruralidad, 8(22), pp. 18–35.
Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., and Moreno-Simunovic, Y.
Yerko Moreno
Seaweeds in viticulture: A review focused on grape quality.
Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 36(1), pp. 9–21
Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Mengyuan, W., Moreno-Simunovic, Y., Sun, X., Fang, Y.
Yerko Moreno
Potential opportunities of thinned clusters in viticulture: a mini review.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 101(11), pp. 4435–4443.
Schiappacasse, F., M. Castro, R. Cabeza y C. Bonomelli. 2021.
Flavia Schiappacasse, Ricardo Cabeza
Plant growth and nutrient uptake of Selliera radicans Cav. under soilless conditions and fertilized for cultivation purposes.
Journal of Plant nutrition.
F. Soto, P. Peñaloza, E. Oyanedel, F. Schiapppacasse, O. Durán, A. Vidal.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Germination and development of M1 seedlings of two Selliera radicans Cav. accessions subjected to gamma radiation.
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 53(2):36-46.
Caramantín Soriano M. del P., Schiappacasse, F., Tapia, J., Peñailillo, P., Espinoza, J.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Observations regarding accumulation of metals in wild Selliera radicans Cav. in wetland environments of Central regions of Chile.
IDESIA 39(3).
Rodriguez L, L Badimon, D Méndez, T Padró, G Vilahur, E Peña, B Carrasco, H Vogel, I Palomo, E Fuentes.
Hermine Vogel
Antiplatelet Activity of Isorhamnetin via Mitochondrial Regulation.
Antioxidants 10(5), 666.
Rodríguez L, Trostchansky A, Wood I, Mastrogiovanni M, Vogel H, González G, Maróstica M, Fuentes E, Palomo I.
Hermine Vogel
Antiplatelet activity and chemical analysis of leaf and fruit extracts from Aristotelia chilensis.
PLOS ONE 16(4): e0250852.
Yuri, J.A.; Sánchez-Contreras, J.; Palma, M.; Sepúlveda, Á & Moya, M.
José Antonio Yuri
Foliar indicators and sweet cherry production efficiency in Central Leader and Kym Green Bush training systems in Chile.
International Journal of Fruit Science. 21(1): 1094-1103.
Severino, V., Arias-Sibillotte, M., Dogliotti, S., Frins, E., Yuri, J.A. & González-Talice, J.
José Antonio Yuri
Pre- and Postharvest Management of Sunburn in Granny Smith Apples (Malus domestica Borkh) under Neotropical Climate Conditions.
Agronomy 1618: 1-18.
Sánchez-Contreras, J., Palma, M., Simeone, D., Fuentes, M., Sepúlveda, A. & Yuri, J.A.
José Antonio Yuri
Cerezos bajo cubiertas plásticas en Chile: efecto en la fenología y calidad de la fruta.
Revista de Fruticultura 79: 20-31.
Cañete-Salinas P., Zamudio F., Yañez M., Valdés-Gómez H., Espinosa C., Venegas J., Retamal L., Gyenge J., Acevedo-Opazo C*.
César Acevedo
Water consumption and preliminary crop coefficients of two Populus×canadensis clones ('I-214' and 'I-488') grown at low planting density.
Forest System. 30 (1). eISSN: 2171- 9845.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes-Peñailillo F., Acevedo-Opazo C*., Ortega-Faríasa S., Rivera, M., Verdugo-Vásquez N.
César Acevedo, Samuel Ortega
Spatialized system to monitor vine flowering: Towards a methodology based on a low-cost wireless sensor network.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. Volume 187, August 2021, 106233
Leaf Morpho-Colorimetric Characterization of Different Grapevine Varieties through Changes on Plant Water Status.
Horticulturae 2021, 7, 315.
Producción Agrícola
Díaz GA, Cabeza RA, Amigo R, Llancamil E, Montenegro O, Gonzalez P, Valdez AV, Lolas MA, Ferrada E.
Gonzalo Díaz, Mauricio Lolas
Severe outbreak of Fusarium wilt on common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) caused by Fusarium oxysporum in the Maule Region, central Chile.
Plant Disease.
Producción Agrícola
Arriagada O, Schwember AR, Greve MJ, Urban MO, Cabeza RA, Carrasco B.
Ricardo Cabeza
Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Selected Chilean Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) Genotypes Shows Moderate Agronomic and Genetic Variability.
Management of Iron and Manganese Toxicities of Lentil Crops Grown in Central Chile.
Agronomy, 11(10), 2051.
Producción Agrícola
del Pozo, A., Engler, A, Meza, F.
Alejandro Del Pozo
The agricultural science in Chile: institutions, human resources, investment and scientific productivity.
Chilean Journal of Agriculture Research 81: 664-673.
Producción Agrícola
Méndez-Espinoza, A.M., Garriga, M., Berenb, S., Sobab, D., Aranjuelo, I., del Pozo, A.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Source-sink relationships during grain growth in four temperate cereals: influence of water deficit on carbohydrate and amino acid dynamics.
Agronomy 11, 1516.
Producción Agrícola
Elazab, A., Moraga, F., del Pozo, A.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Photosynthetic organs contributions to grain yield genetic gains in Chilean winter wheat.
Agronomy Journal: 1-21
Producción Agrícola
Inostroza, L., Espinoza, S., Barahona, V., Gerding, M., Humphries, A., del Pozo, A., Ovalle, C.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Phenotypic diversity and productivity of Medicago sativa sub-species from drought-prone environments in Mediterranean type-climates.
Plants 10, 862.
Producción Agrícola
Guerra F., Yáñez A., Matus, I., del Pozo A.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Genome-wide association of stem carbohydrate accumulation and remobilization during grain growth in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Mediterranean environments.
Plants 10, 539.
Producción Agrícola
Humphries,A.W., Ovalle, C., Hughes, S., del Pozo, A., Inostroza, L., Barahona, V., Yu, L., Yerzhanova, S., Rowe, T., Hill, J., Meiirman, G., Abayev, S., Brummer, C.E., Peck, D.M., Toktarbekova, S., Kalibayev, B., Espinoza, S., Ivelic-Saez, J., Bingham, E., Kilian, B.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Characterization, preliminary evaluation and pre‐breeding of diverse alfalfa crop wild relatives originating from drought‐stressed environments.
Crop Science 61(1): 69–88.
Producción Agrícola
Sánchez-Jardón L., B. Acosta-Gallo, A. del Pozo, M.A. Casado, C. Ovalle & J.M. de Miguel.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Plantas vasculares en el bosque caducifolio de Aysén.
Ediciones Universidad de Magallanes, Coyhaique, Chile. 151 pp. ISBN: 978-956-7189-97-7.
Producción Agrícola
del Pozo, A., Mena, M.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Lupins. In: Victor Sadras and Daniel Calderini (Eds.).
Crop Physiology Case Histories for Major Crops. Elsevier. Pp. 431-450.
Producción Agrícola
Silva-Valderrama, I, Toapanta, D, Miccono, MA, Lolas, M, Díaz, G.A., Cantu, D and Castro A.
Mauricio Lolas, Gonzalo Díaz
Biocontrol Potential of Grapevine Endophytic and Rhizospheric Fungi Against Trunk Pathogens.
Front. Microbiol. 11:614620.
Producción Agrícola
Díaz, G.A., Zoffoli, J.P., Ferrada, E.E., and Lolas, M.
Gonzalo Díaz, Mauricio Lolas
Identification and pathogenicity of Diplodia, Neofusicoccum, Cadophora and Diaporthe species associated with cordon dieback in kiwifruit cv. Hayward in central Chile.
Plant Disease 105: 1308-1319.
Producción Agrícola
Lolas, M., Cáceres, M., Reyes, J.A., and Díaz, G.A.
Mauricio Lolas, Gonzalo Díaz
Bull’s eye rot development in storage is related to the timing of apple fruit infection by Neofabraea vagabunda in the orchard in Chile.
Acta Horticulturae 1325: 73-76.
Producción Agrícola
Riquelme, D., Aravena, Z., Valdes, H., Díaz, G.A., and Zoffoli, J.P.
Gonzalo Díaz
Characterization of Botrytis cinerea and B. prunorum from Healthy Floral Structures and Decayed ‘Hayward’ Kiwifruit During Post-Harvest Storage.
Plant Disease 105: 2129-2140.
Producción Agrícola
Riveros-Burgos, C., Ortega-Farías, S., Morales-Salinas, L. Fuentes‑Peñailillo, F., and Tian, F.
Samuel Ortega
Assessment of the clumped model to estimate olive orchard evapotranspiration using meteorological data and UAV-based thermal infrared imagery.
Irrig Sci 39: 63–80.
Producción Agrícola
Ortega‑Farias, S., Intrigliolo, D.S.
Samuel Ortega
Special issue: multiscale technologies for irrigation management.
Irrig Sci 39: 1–3.
Producción Agrícola
Sousa, D.D.P., Fernandes, T.F.S., Tavares, L.B., Farias, V.D.S., Lima M.J.A., Nunes, H.G.G.C., Costa, D.L.P., Ortega-Farias, S., and Souza, P.J.O.P.
Samuel Ortega
Estimation of evapotranspiration and single and dual crop coefficients of acai palm in the Eastern Amazon (Brazil) using the Bowen ratio system.
Irrig Sci 39, 5–22 .
Producción Agrícola
Ortega-Farias, S., Espinoza-Meza, S-. Lopez-Olivari, R., Araya-Alman, M. and Carrasco-Benavides, M.
Samuel Ortega
Effects of different irrigation levels on plant water status, yield, fruit quality, and water productivity in a drip-irrigated blueberry orchard under Mediterranean conditions.
Agricultural Water Management, 249: 106805.
Producción Agrícola
Ortega-Salazar, S., Ortega-Farías, S. Kilic, A., and Allen, R.
Samuel Ortega
Performance of the METRIC model for mapping energy balance components and actual evapotranspiration over a superintensive drip-irrigated olive orchard.
Parameterization of the AquaCrop model for cowpea and assessing the impact of sowing dates normally used on yield.
Agricultural Water Management 252: 106880.
Producción Agrícola
Ortega-Farias, S*, Esteban-Condori, W., Riveros-Burgos, C., Fuentes-Peñailillo, F., and Bardeen, M.
Samuel Ortega
Evaluation of a two-source patch model to estimate vineyard energy balance using high-resolution thermal images acquired by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 304–305: 108433.
Producción Agrícola
Hou, M., Fei, T., Ortega-Farias, S., Riveros-Burgos, C., Zhang, T., and Lin, A.
Samuel Ortega
Estimation of crop transpiration and its scale effect based on ground and UAV thermal infrared remote sensing images.
European Journal of Agronomy, 131: 126389.
Producción Agrícola
Liu, Y., Ortega-Farías, S., Tian, F., Wang, S., and Li,S.
Samuel Ortega
Estimation of Surface and Near-Surface Air Temperatures in Arid Northwest China Using Landsat Satellite Images.
Front. Environ. Sci.
Producción Agrícola
Salvador-Castillo, JM., Bolaños-González1, MA., Rodríguez, JC., Palacios-Vélez, E., Palacios-Sánchez, LA, Watts2, C., Lizárraga-Celaya, C., Ortega-Farías, S., and Er-Raki, S.
Samuel Ortega
Estimation of evapotranspiration of a vineyard of table grapes (Vitis vinifera) using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery.
Agrociencia 55: 369-387.
Producción Agrícola
Barros-Parada, W., Fuentes-Contreras E., Bergmann J., Herrera H., Kinsho T. & Miyake Y.
Eduardo Fuentes
Monitoring of Chilecomadia valdiviana, (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with different traps baited with sexual pheromone in apple orchards in Chile.
Insects 12: 511.
Producción Agrícola
Alfaro-Tapia A., Álvarez-Baca J.K., Fuentes-Contreras E. & Figueroa C.C. 2021.
Eduardo Fuentes
Biological control may fails on an insecticide resistant pest I: Effects of sub-lethal concentrations of a pyrethroid on host searching behavior in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera, Braconidae).
Agriculture 11: 539.
Producción Agrícola
Radrigán-Navarro C., Beers E.H., Alvear A. & Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Acute toxicity of lethal and sublethal concentrations of neonicotinoid, insect growth regulator and diamide insecticides on parasitoids and a predator of the woolly apple aphid and the obscure mealybug.
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 81: 398-407.
Producción Agrícola
Ju D., Mota-Sánchez D., Fuentes-Contreras E., Zang Y.L. & Yang X.Q.
Eduardo Fuentes
Insecticide resistance in the Cydia pomonella (L): global status, mechanisms, and research directions.
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 178: 104925.
Producción Agrícola
Alfaro-Tapia A., Álvarez-Baca J.K., Figueroa C.C. & Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Sub-lethal effects of a pyrethroid on behavior and development of the parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on susceptible and kdr resistant Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Genetic structure of Cydia pomonella populations in Argentina and Chile imply isolating barriers exist between populations.
Journal of Applied Entomology 145: 911-921.
Producción Agrícola
Cabrera-Brandt M.A., Kati A., Rubio-Meléndez M.E., Figueroa C.C. & Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Changes in the genetic composition of Myzus persicae nicotianae population in Chile and the frequency of insecticide resistance mutations.
Bulletin of Entomological Research 111: 759-767.
Producción Agrícola
Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Resistencia a insecticidas en el manejo de plagas: desde los genes hasta las poblaciones. En: S. Estay (Ed.) “Bases ecológicas del manejo de plagas.
pp. 15-33. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago.
Producción Agrícola
Bergmann J., Fuentes-Contreras E. & Zaviezo T.
Eduardo Fuentes
Feromonas y su uso en el manejo de plagas. En: S. Estay (Ed.) “Bases ecológicas del manejo de plagas”.
pp. 53-79. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago.
Producción Agrícola
Valdes R. and Jara-Rojas R.
Roberto Jara
The impact of commodity price shocks among regional economies of a developing country.
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Economía Agraria
Klerkx, L.
Laurens Klerkx
Advisory services and transformation, plurality and disruption of agriculture and food systems: towards a new research agenda for agricultural education and extension studies.
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 26, 131-140.
Economía Agraria
Klerkx, L., Begemann, S.
Laurens Klerkx
Supporting food systems transformation: The what, why, who, where and how of mission-oriented agricultural innovation systems.
Agricultural Systems 184, 102901.
Economía Agraria
Klerkx, L., Rose, D.
Laurens Klerkx
Dealing with the game-changing technologies of Agriculture 4.0: How do we manage diversity and responsibility in food system transition pathways?
Global Food Security 24, 100347.
Economía Agraria
Jara-Rojas, R., Russy, S., Roco, L*., Fleming-Muñoz and Engler, A.
Roberto Jara
Factors affecting the adoption of agroforestry practices: Insights from silvopastoral systems of Colombia.
Forests 11(6): 648.
Economía Agraria
Jara-Rojas, R*., Canales, R., Gil, JM., Engler, A., Bravo-Ureta, B. and Bopp, C.
Roberto Jara
Technology Adoption and Extension Strategies in Mediterranean Agriculture: The Case of Family Farms in Chile.
Agronomy 10: 692-702.
Economía Agraria
Valdes R. and Jara-Rojas R.
Roberto Jara
The impact of commodity price shocks among regional economies of a developing country.
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 59:1–20.
Economía Agraria
Boop, C., Engler, A*., Jara-Rojas, R. and Arriagada, R.
Roberto Jara
Are forest plantation subsidies affecting land use change and off-farm income? A farm-level analysis of Chilean small forest landowners.
Land Use Policy 91:104308.
Economía Agraria
Díaz, J.; Engler, A.; Valdés, R.; von Cramon-Taubadel, S.; Lakner, S.
José Díaz
Understanding the Agricultural Sector in Latin America: Results from the Chilean-German Academic Cooperation.
Colección Académica, Serie de Textos. Editorial Universidad de Talca
Non-targeted metabolite profiles and sensory properties elucidate commonalities and differences of wines made with the same variety but different cultivar clones.
Metabolites, 10(6), 220.
Carrasco-Quiroz, M., Martínez-Gil, A.M., Gutiérrez-Gamboa, G., Moreno-Simunovic, Y.
Yerko Moreno
Effect of rootstocks on volatile composition of Merlot wines.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(8), pp. 3517–3524.
Carmona V.M.V.; Filho A.B.C.; De Almeida H.J.; Silva G. Carrasco; Dos Reis A.R.
Gilda Carrasco
Agronomic biofortication of beet plants with zinc via seed priming.
Revista Caatinga 33(1):116-123.
Ricardo I. Castro, Jaime Gallego, Marcos Flores García, Adolfo Marican, Oscar Forero‑Doria.
Marcos Flores
Thermal study and composition of edible oils combined by TG/DTG analysis through predictive statistical model.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
Panitrur-De la Fuente, C., Valdes-Gomez, H., Roudet, J., Verdugo-Vasquez, N., Mirabal, Y., Laurie, V. F., Goutouly, J. P., Acevedo-Opazo, C., & Fermaud, M.
Felipe Laurie, César Acevedo
Vigor thresholded NDVI is a key early risk indicator of Botrytis bunch rot in vineyards.
Oeno One, 54(2), 279–297.
Garriga M., Ovalle, C., Espinoza S., Lobos G.A., del Pozo A.
Gustavo Lobos, Alejandro del Pozo
Use of Vis–NIR reflectance data and regression models to estimate physiological and productivity traits in lucerne (Medicago sativa).
Crop and Pasture Science 71: 90-100.
del Pozo A., Méndez-Espinosa A.M., Romero-Bravo1 S., Garriga M., Estrada F., Alcaíno M., Camargo-Rodriguez A., Corke F., Doonan J., Lobos G.A.
Alejandro Del Pozo, Gustavo Lobos
Genotypic variation in leaf and whole-plant water use efficiencies are close related in bread wheat genotypes under well-watered and water-limited conditions during grain filling.
Scientific Reports 10: 460.
Misle, E., Garrido, E., Rojas, O., Kahlaoui, B. y Schiappacasse, F.
Flavia Schiappacasse
Determining some ecophysiological traits of Protea ‘Pink Ice’ for the quantification of productive parameters (Abstract).
Webinar on plant and soil science. Roma, Italia.
Severino, V., Arias, M., Dogliotti, S., Frins, E., González-Talice, J. & Yuri, J.A.
José Antonio Yuri
Climatic and physiological parameters related to the progress and prediction of apple sunburn damage in a neotropical climate.
Advances in Horticultural Science. 34: 431-440.
Yuri, J.A., Neira, A., Fuentes, M. Razmilic, I., Lepe, V., & González, M.
José Antonio Yuri
Bagging cv. Fuji Raku Raku apple fruit affect their phenolic profile and antioxidant capacity.
Erwerbsobstbau. 1-11.
Pañitrur-De la Fuente, C., Valdés-Gómez, H., Roudet, J., Verdugo-Vásquez, N., Mirabal, Y., Laurie, V.F., Goutouly, J.P., Acevedo-Opazo, C., Fermaud M.
Felipe Laurie
Vigor thresholder NDVI is a key early risk indicator of Botrytis bunch rot in vineyards.
Ammonium acts systemically while nitrate exerts an additional local effect on Medicago truncatula nodules.
Plant Science 292: 110383.
Producción Agrícola
Salazar O, Manrique A, Tapia Y, Casanova M, Govan J, Covarrubias JI, Contreras A, Cabeza RA.
Ricardo Cabeza
The Development of a Model for Recommending the Application of Zinc Fertilizer in the Mediterranean Region of Central Chile.
J Soil Sci Plant Nutr.
Producción Agrícola
Brunel-Saldías, N., Ferrio, P., Elazab, A., Orellana, M., del Pozo, A.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Root architecture and functional traits of spring wheat under contrasting water regimes.
Frontiers in Plant Science 11.
Producción Agrícola
Ovalle, C., Martinez, I., Uribe, H., Prat, C., del Pozo, A., Valderrama, N., Ruiz, G.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Effects of soil and water conservation technologies on the establishment, growth and survival of three tree species.
Chilean Journal of Agriculture Research 80: 640–649
Producción Agrícola
Garriga, M., Ovalle, C., Espinoza, S., Lobos, G.A., del Pozo, A.
Gustavo Lobos, Alejandro del Pozo
Estimating physiological and productivity traits in alfalfa using VIS-NIR reflectance data.
Crop and Pasture Science 71(1):90-100.
Espinoza, S. Ovalle, C., del Pozo, A.
Alejandro Del Pozo
The contribution of the nitrogen fixed by annual legume pasture to the productivity of wheat in two contrasting mediterranean environments of central Chile
Field Crop Research 249.
Producción Agrícola
Ballesta, P., Mora, F., del Pozo, A.
Alejandro Del Pozo
Association mapping of drought tolerance indices in wheat: QTL-rich regions on chromosome 4A.
Scientia Agricola 77(2).
Producción Agrícola
Ferrada, E.E., Naranjo, P., Briceño, E.X., Lolas, M., and Díaz, G.A.
Mauricio Lolas, Gonzalo Díaz
Occurrence of Botrytis prunorum causing calyx-end rot in European pear fruits during cold storage in Chile.
Plant Disease 104:590-590.
Producción Agrícola
Ferrada, E.E., Böhm, L., Montenegro, O., Llancao, M, Romero, C., Briceño, E. X. Morales, R. A., and Díaz, G.A.
Gonzalo Díaz
First report of leaf rust of Fuchsia magellanica caused by Pucciniastrum circaeae in Valdivia, Chile.
Plant Disease 104:1548-1548.
Producción Agrícola
Lolas, M., Castro, A., Polanco, R., Gainza-Cortes, F., Ferrada, E.E., Sosnowski, M. R., and Díaz, G.A.
Mauricio Lolas, Gonzalo Díaz
First report of Eutypa lata causing dieback of grapevines (Vitis vinifera) in Chile.
Plant Disease. 104:2024-2024.
Producción Agrícola
Carrasco-Benavides, M., Meza, SE., Olguin-Caceres, J., Munoz-Concha, D., von Bennewitz, E., Avila-Sanchez, C., Ortega-Farias, S.
Samuel Ortega
Effects of regulated post-harvest irrigation strategies on yield, fruit quality and water productivity in a drip-irrigated cherry orchard.
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural.
Producción Agrícola
da Silva Farias, V., Pires Costa, D., de Novoa Pinto, J., de Oliveira Ponte de Souza, P., de Souza, E., and and Ortega-Farias, S.
Samuel Ortega
Calibration of reference evapotranspiration models in Pará.
Acta Scientiarum-Agronomy, 1807-8621.
Producción Agrícola
Ortega-Farias, S., Villalobos-soublett, E., Riveros-Burgos, C., Zúñiga, M., Ahumada-Orellana, L.
Samuel Ortega
Effect of irrigation cut-off strategies on yield, water productivity and gas exchange in a drip-irrigated hazelnut (Corylus avellana L. cv. Tonda di Giffoni) orchard under semiarid conditions.
Agricultural Water Management, 238: 106173.
Producción Agrícola
Gaínza-Cortés, F.; Roa-Roco, R.; Arraño-Salinas, P.; Rodríguez-Herrera, P.; Lolas, M.A.; Caris-Maldonado, J.C.; Silva-Flores, P. and González, Á.
Mauricio Lolas
Distribution of three grapevine trunk pathogens in Chilean vineyards, determined using molecular detection from asymptomatic woody pruning material.
. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 59(3):503-513.
Producción Agrícola
Carrasco-Benavides, M., Antunez-Quilobrán, J., Baffico-Hernández, A., Ávila-Sánchez, C., Ortega-Farías, S., Espinoza. S., Gajardo, J., Mora, M., and and Fuentes, S.
Samuel Ortega
Performance Assessment of Thermal Infrared Cameras of Different Resolutions to Estimate Tree Water Status from Two Cherry Cultivars: An Alternative to Midday Stem Water Potential and Stomatal Conductance.
Sensors, 20: 3596.
Producción Agrícola
Carrasco-Benavides, M., Espinoza, S., Olguín-Cáceres, J., Muñoz-Concha, D., von Bennewitz, E., Ávila-Sánchez, C., and Ortega-Farías, S.
Samuel Ortega
Effects of regulated post-harvest irrigation strategies on yield, fruit quality and water productivity in a drip-irrigated cherry orchard.
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 48:2, 97-116.
Producción Agrícola
Tampe J., Pacheco B., Parra L., Fuentes-Contreras E., Salas L. & Quiroz A.
Eduardo Fuentes
Attractant effect of Eucalyptus spp and Foeniculum vulgare essential oils on Aegorhinus superciliosus (Guérin) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20: 775-783.
Producción Agrícola
Basoalto A., Franck P., Lavandero B., Ramírez C.C., Devotto L., Curkovic T. & Fuentes-Contreras E.
Eduardo Fuentes
Population genetic structure of Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from different regions and host plants in Chile.
Insects 11: 285.
Producción Agrícola
Barros-Parada W., Bergmann J., Curkovic T., Espinosa C., Fuentes-Contreras E., Guajardo J., Herrera H., Morales S., Queiroz A.F.O., Vidal A.
Eduardo Fuentes
3,7-Dimethylpentadecane: a novel sex pheromone component from Leucoptera sinuella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae).
Journal of Chemical Ecology 46: 820-829.
Producción Agrícola
Valenzuela-Riffo, F.; Zúñiga, P.E.; Morales-Quintana, L.; Lolas, M., Cáceres, M. and Figueroa, C.R.
Mauricio Lolas
Priming of Defense Systems and Upregulation of MYC2 and JAZ1 Genes after Botrytis cinerea Inoculation in Methyl Jasmonate-Treated Strawberry Fruits.