Profesor Asociado Dr. en Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de Talca Ingeniero Agrónomo, Universidad de Talca
71 2 200 214globosp@utalca.cl
Línea de Investigación
Mi trabajo se centra en dos áreas principales: i) En ecofisiología frutal, tratamos de resolver problemas productivos a través de la comprensión de la interacción planta/fruta y el medioambiente (macro y micro) en especies de relevancia económica para el país (cerezos, manzanos, vides, entre otros), con especial énfasis en arándanos; y ii) En mejoramiento genético, mediante el desarrollo de la fenómica como herramienta para la identificación de individuos sobresalientes. Hemos focalizado los esfuerzos en la estimación de “caracteres fisiológicos complejos” (ej., intercambio de gases, fluorescencia modulada de la clorofila a, concentración de pigmentos y osmorreguladores, composición isotópica del carbono y el oxigeno, entre otros) vía espectrometría y termografía, en varios programas de mejoramiento activos del país (trigo, alfalfa, quínoa, arándanos y frutilla) orientados a estreses abióticos (salinidad, déficit hídrico y alta temperatura).
Publicaciones (últimos cinco años) / Researchgate
Yuri, J.A.*, Sepúlveda, A., Fuentes, M. Ubilla, L., Lobos, G.A., Moggia, C. 2023. Effect of solar radiation on pigmentation, phenolic content and antioxidant activity in ‘Forelle’ pears during fruit growth and ripening. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. (Q2, IF: 1.094).
Moggia, C. *, Sepúlveda, D., Valdés, M., Araya, C., Pacheco, P., Diaz, V., Beaudry, R., Lorca-Alvarez, J., Lobos, G.A.*. 2023. Dangler for Accelerated Dehydration (DAD): a novel system for assessing the impacts of relative humidity on fruit water loss during cold storage of blueberries. HortScience 58, 717-721 (Q1, IF: 1.874).
del Pozo*, A., Espinoza, S., Barahona, V., Inostroza, L., Gerding, M., Humphries, A., Lobos, G.A. 2023. Cares, J., Ovalle, C. Aerial and ground-based phenotyping of an alfalfa diversity panel to assess adaptation to a prolonged drought period in a Mediterranean environment of central Chile. European Journal of Agronomy 144, 126751 (Q1, IF: 5.722).
Estrada, F., Felxas, J., Araus, J.L., Mora-Poblete, F., Gonzalez-Talice, J., Castillo, D., Matus, I., Mendez-Espinoza, A.M., Garriga, M., Araya-Riquelme, C., Douthe, C. Castillo, D., del Pozo, A., Lobos, G.A.*. 2023. Exploring plant responses to abiotic stress by contrasting spectral signature changes. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1026323. (Q1, IF: 6.627).
Moggia, C. *, Lobos, G.A.*. 2023. Why measuring blueberry firmness at harvest is not enough to estimate postharvest softening after long term storage? A review Postharvest Biology and Technology 198, 112230 (Q1, IF: 6.751).
del Pozo*, A., Mendez-Espinoza, A.M., Garriga, M., Estrada, F., Castillo, D., Matus, I., Lobos, G.A. 2023. Phenotypic variation in leaf photosynthetic traits, leaf area index, and carbon discrimination of field-grown wheat genotypes and their relationship with yield performance in Mediterranean environments. Planta 258:22 (Q1, IF: 4.540).
Ballesta, P., Maldonado, C., Mora-Poblete, F., Mieres-Castro, D., del Pozo, A., Lobos, G.A. 2023. Spectral-based classification of genetically differentiated groups in spring wheat grown under contrasting environments. Plants 12, 440 (Q1, IF: 4.658).
Moggia, C., Bravo, M.A., Baettig, R., Valdés, M., Romero-Bravo, S., Zúñiga, M., Cornejo, J., Gosetti, F., Ballabio, D., Cabeza, R.A., Beaudry, R., Lobos, G.A.*. 2022. Improving bitter pit prediction by the use of X-ray fluorescence (XRF): A new approach by multivariate classification. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1033308. (Q1, IF: 6.627).
Moggia, C., Lara, I.*, Graell, J., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Thomas-Valdés, S., Lobos, G.A.*. 2022. Are fruit surface differences in two blueberry cultivars major drivers of contrasting postharvest dynamics? Horticulturae 8, 607 (Q1, IF: 2.923).
Maldonado, C., Mora-Poblete *, F., Echeverria, C., Baettig, R., Torres-Díaz, C., Contreras-Soto, R.I., Heidari, P., Lobos, G.A., Do Amaral Jr., A.T. 2022. A neural network-based spectral approach for the assignment of individual trees to genetically differentiated subpopulations. Remote Sensing 14, 2898. (Q1, IF: 5.349).
Moggia C.*, Valdés Y., Arancibia A., Valdés M., Radrigán C., Beaudry R., Lobos G.A.*. 2022. A comparison of firmness assessment instruments for fresh blueberry fruit. HortTechonology 32: 172-183. (Q3, IF: 1.06).
Ballesta, P., Ahmar, S., Lobos, G.A., Mieres-Castro, D., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Mora-Poblete, F.*. 2022. Heritable variation of foliar spectral reflectance enhances genomic prediction of hydrogen cyanide in a genetically structured population of Eucalyptus. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 871943. (Q1, IF: 6.627).
Moggia, C., Peñaloza, O., Torres, J., Romero-Bravo, S., Sepulveda, D., Jara, R., Vivanco, S., Valdeés, M., Zuñiga, M., Beaudry, R.M., Lobos, G.A.*. 2022. Within-plant variability in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) II: Is a shorter harvest interval always the ideal strategy to maximize fruit firmness? Postharvest Biology and Technology 186: 111815 (Q1, IF: 6.751).
Mora-Poblete, F., Ballesta, P., Lobos, G.A., Molina-Montenegro, M., Gleadow, R., Ahmar, S., Jimenez-Aspee, F. 2021. Genome-wide association study of cyanogenic glycosides, proline, sugars and pigments in Eucalyptus cladocalyx after eighteen consecutive dry summers. Physiologia Plantarum 172: 1550-1569 (Q1, IF: 4.500).
Garriga, M., Romero-Bravo, S., Estrada, F., Méndez-Espinoza, A.M., González-Martínez, L., Matus, I., Castillo, D., Lobos, G.A.*, del Pozo, A*. 2021. Estimating carbon isotope discrimination and grain yield of bread wheat grown under water-limited and full irrigation conditions by hyperspectral canopy reflectance and multilinear regression analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 42: 2848–2871 (Q1, IF: 3.151).
Garriga M., Ovalle, C., Espinoza S., Lobos G.A., del Pozo A. 2020. Use of Vis–NIR reflectance data and regression models to estimate physiological and productivity traits in lucerne (Medicago sativa). Crop and Pasture Science 71: 90-100 (Q1, IF: 2.286).
del Pozo A., Méndez-Espinosa A.M., Romero-Bravo1 S., Garriga M., Estrada F., Alcaíno M., Camargo-Rodriguez A., Corke F., Doonan J., Lobos G.A. 2020. Genotypic variation in leaf and whole-plant water use efficiencies are close related in bread wheat genotypes under well-watered and water-limited conditions during grain filling. Scientific Reports 10: 460 (Q1, IF: 4.379).
Romero-Bravo S., Méndez-Espinoza A.M., Garriga M., Estrada F., Escobar A., González-Martinez L., Poblete-Echeverría C., Sepúlveda D., Matus I., Castillo D., del Pozo A., Lobos G.A.*. 2019. Thermal imaging reliability for estimating grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination in wheat genotypes: importance of the environmental conditions. Sensors 19: 2676.(Q1, IF: 3.576).
del Pozo A.*, Brunel-Saldias N., Engler A., Ortega-Farias S., Acevedo-Opazo C., Lobos G.A., Jara-Rojas R., Molina-Montenegro M. 2019. Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies of agriculture in Mediterranean-climate regions (MCRs). Sustainability 11: 2769. (Q1, IF: 3.251).
Méndez-Espinoza A.M., Romero-Bravo S., Estrada F., Escobar A., Lobos G.A., Castillo D., Matus I., Aranjuelo I., del Pozo A. 2019. Exploring agronomic and physiological traits associated with the differences in productivity between triticale and bread wheat in Mediterranean environments. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 404. (Q1, IF: 5.753).
Lobos G.A.*, Escobar-Opazo A., Estrada F., Romero-Bravo S., Garriga M., del Pozo A., Poblete-Echeverría C., Gonzalez-Talice J., González-Martinez L., Caligari P. 2019. Spectral reflectance modeling by wavelength selection: studying the scope for blueberry physiological breeding under contrasting water supply and heat conditions. Remote Sensing 11: 329. (Q1, IF: 4.848).
Proyectos Vigentes
2023 FONDECYT REGULAR (1231147). Improving breeding programs to cope with the global warming scenario: hourly integration of leaf temperature and spectral reflectance as a source of new genotypic variability. (PI).
2022 Anillo (ATE220001). High-throughput field phenotyping to accelerate crop breeding and adaptation to drought-prone environments. Dr. Alejandro del Pozo (UTALCA). (Co-Director).
2019 FONDEQUIP (EQM190124). Fenotipado aéreo de alto rendimiento para programas de mejoramiento genético en ambientes adversos: incrementando la capacidad predictiva de los modelos ecofisiológicos desarrollados con mediciones terrestres. (PI).