Profesor Asociado

Dr. Roberto Jara Rojas

Doctor en Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de Talca
Ing. Agrónomo, Universidad de Talca

Línea de Investigación

Su interés de investigación se enmarca en la economía de la agricultura familiar campesina, adopción de tecnologías, productividad y evaluación del impacto de proyectos de desarrollo.

R Jara-Rojas, C Echeverría, R Fuentes, F Fuentes. 2024. Agricultural Dynamics in Chile: Integrating Satellite Imagery, Agroclimatic Data, and Spatial Analysis for Sustainable Food Production. 2023 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering.

R Jara-Rojas, N Bobadilla, A Engler, C Bopp. 2023. Using a Dynamic Map of Reference Evapotranspiration to Estimate Water Productivity: A Multilevel Analysis in Central Chile. 2023 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering.

Herrera, G., Jara-Rojas, R*. 2023. Food Losses Perceived by Family Farm Agriculture: Challenges and policy implications from a micro-approach quantification. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6, 660.

F. Fuentes-Peñailillo, R. Jara-Rojas and C. Bopp. 2022. Use of remote sensing and ground-based measurements for the evaluation of the SIRSD-S Program in Biobío Region, Chile. IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV pp. 1-5.

Bopp, C., Jara-Rojas, R. Engler, A., Araya-Alman, M. 2022. How are vineyards management strategies and climate-related conditions affecting economic performance? A case study of Chilean wine grape growers. Wine Economics and Policy 11(2), 61-73.

FONDECYT REGULAR. Assessing the adaptation process and impacts of climate risks: revising long-term changes and extreme weather events. 2023-2026. (Co Investigador).

FONDECYT REGULAR. Nº 1220622. Understanding the adoption process of conservation agriculture among peasant farmers: risk preferences, behavior change and policy design. 2022-2026. (Investigador Responsable).

FONDECYT Postdoc. Nº 3220265. Adaptación a la escasez de agua y acción colectiva en comunidades de agua: implicancias para la seguridad hídrica en sistemas productivos de Chile Central. 2022-2025. (Investigador Patrocinante).